Sometimes when I start the XRT100 measurement, the CMA application returns a connection error. What can I do to avoid this problem?
Sometimes when I start the XRT100 measurement, the CMA application returns a connection error. What can I do to avoid this problem?
When initially starting both instruments, please keep in mind that the CMW100 will take some more time to boot in comparison to the CMA180. To be sure the CMW100 is ready for use, check the state in the VirtualBox before starting:
Open VirtualBox on your taskbar:
If it is ready to be connected, you will see the GUI of the unit:
When now starting the XRT100 generator or analyzer, it should work (turns into yellow or green).
If you still can not establish a connection between the instruments, restart your CMA180 Firmware by double clicking the Restart symbol on CMA's desktop: