FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

Using Individual GTEM Cells


Is it possible to use any GTEM cell with EMC32?


Yes, it is possible. You can use the "EMI Analysis" of EMC32. The EMI analysis

opens the "EMI Evaluation" dialog box, where you will find the EMI evaluation

function "GTEM Correlation". This function is used for converting emitted EMI

that has been measured by an EUT in any GTEM cell.

To get the right results after the conversion, you have to fill in two dialogs

for the necessary calculations. The first dialog is the attenuation correction

table for C1 (cell characteristic). Here you can enter the geometric values of

your individual GTEM cell.

The second dialog is the attenuation correction table for the C2 characteristic

OATS (open area test sites).