26 Results
HMF2550 - Specifications
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®HMF2525 and R&S HMF®2550 Arbitrary Function Generators.
Rohde & Schwarz SCPI Programmers Manual for the R&S®HMF2525 and R&S HMF®2550 Arbitrary Function Generators.
When using the HMF 25xx the output impedance can be changed. Is it really switched electronically or is it solved by the mathematic way?
Models: R&S®HMF2525, R&S®HMF2550
Models: R&S®HMF2525, R&S®HMF2550
Models: R&S®HMF2525, R&S®HMF2550
Use the HMExplorer to create one waveform for the 600 kHz and one for the 900 kHz sine wave in the arbitrary mode. Then please combine both waveforms via the sum function to one waveform.
R&S®HMF25xx Function Generator Accurate, Versatile and Price Convenient - Fact Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
The first part of this educational note presents the applications for and the most important types of signal generators. This is followed by a description of the construction and functioning of analog and vector signal generators.
03-May-2016 | AN-No. 1MA225
This application note describes the basic frequency filter measurements that are often required during service repairs, during development and for training purposes.
27-Mar-2015 | AN-No. 1MA243
Rohde & Schwarz installation manual for the R&S®HO740 IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface module.
Rohde & Schwarz installation manual for the R&S®HO732 dual interface module.
Rohde & Schwarz installation manual for the R&S®HO720 and R&S®HO730 Dual Interface modules.
HMF2525 / HMF2550 - Using burst mode with infinite repetition HMF2550, HMF2525, burst mode, infinite repetition HMF2525 / HMF2550 - Using burst mode with infinite repetition HMF2550, HMF2525, burst mode, infinite repetition
I use the HMF2550 as a Sinus generator in combination with AM modulation. The power level of my modulated signal is too low. If I switch off modulation (pure CW) the signal level is fine again. What's the background of this behavior?
How can I generate, transfer and process an arbitrary waveform file for the HMF2550 using remote control? I found no command to load a wave form file from the USB stick.
We are talking about positive and negative numbers. Which method do I have to use? I know at least three ways of handling binary data with positive as well as negative values.
Single Pulse via the HMF2525/HMF2550 Signal Generator by using the enter key as a trigger source Single Pulse via the HMF2525/HMF2550 Signal Generator by using the enter key as a trigger source
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®HMExplorer Software.
I need two signals of the same frequency with a fixed phase shift between them.
Rohde and Schwarz Solutions for the educational market Brochure
From designing a test setup to performing accurate measurements
This application note discusses important aspects of double-pulse test setups as well as how to perform accurate measurements. Double-Pulse testing is a standard test-method.
22-Mar-2021 | AN-No. GFM347
Instrumentos de teste R&S®ESSENTIALS para sua bancada