6 Résultats
保证网络高度安全可靠,是实现高效的空域操作的关键。R&S®ATC‑SBC ATC会话边界控制器提供安全的语音网络隔离和智能路由功能,保证语音网络的安全性和可用性。
R&S®ATC-SBC ATC Session Border Controller - Product Brochure
R&S®ATC-SBC ATC Session Border Controller - Product Brochure Brochures et fiches techniques Product brochure
Sep 16, 2020
Rohde & Schwarz unveils session border controller with strong security and high availability for critical ATC infrastructuresWhat makes R&S ATC-SBC unique is that it is the only solution on the market that supports the ED-137A , B and C international standards. R&S ATC-SBC provides strict voice network separation and smart routing for secure, high availability voice networks.
Put simply, R&S®ATC-SBC securely connects two security domains, as it acts like two phones connected via an audio cable. The SBC supports the unique Rohde & Schwarz quad redundancy mode, where two pairs of R&S®ATC-SBC controllers back each other up with no distance limitation.
Contrôleur périphérique de session Rohde & Schwarz pour le contrôle du trafic aérien (ATC)
mars 11, 2019