FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manuals for ROMES


I found that my ROMES operating manual seems to have an older status than my current ROMES software. Is there always a new operating manual created with new software releases and how can I get a new manual after software updates ?


We do not create new manuals for each new version, but update them at irregular intervals. Here an overview of the existing operating manual versions:

Version 1 was based on the coverage measurement software before version 3, which was called TS51-K1/TS55-K1.

Version 2 was based on ROMES 3.00,

Version 3 was based on ROMES 3.02,

Version 4 was based on ROMES 3.11,

Version 5 was based on ROMES 3.15

You can find the version number of the manual at the bottom of the first page: xxxx.xxxx.12-vv- , where vv is the version number.

Example: xxxx.xxxx.12-05- means version 5.

For the GSM Interference Measurement PCSD-K6, which is optional part of ROMES, we created an additional manual. From ROMES 3.15, its version is also 5.

If you receive a new ROMES CD-ROM to update your software, the current manuals are stored in the subdirectory \DOC\ as PDF documents. If you want to print them out, please use the freeware tool Acrobat Reader v4 or higher. We highly recommend to create double-sided printouts.

If you received your ROMES update not on the official CD-ROM but by download or email and the current manuals were missing, please contact your local R&S representative.