Global Contact

To send inquiries, including feedback, requests for information, and questions regarding press and public relations, you can use the Rohde & Schwarz feedback and inquiries forms.

Rohde & Schwarz Hong Kong Ltd.
Units 105-107, 1/F., Wireless Centre,
Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,
New Territories,
Hong Kong

Phone (+852) 22643788
Fax (+852) 22643699
Customer support (+852) 2655 6332

Global contact

General Information

Address: Muehldorfstrasse 15, 81671 Munich, Germany

P.O. Box: P.O. Box 80 14 69, 81614 Munich, Germany

Tel.: +49 89 4129 – 0

Your direct line to Rohde & Schwarz

Sales & Service contacts

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Customer Support


Our five support centers in different time zones are there to deal with your questions fast and in detail.



Contact us for more information about our cybersecurity products and solutions.



You want to know more? We offer ready-made seminars and tailored course packages to train you.



Get in touch with our global press and media contacts.

Information and complaints

Information and complaints

You want to contact us about human rights-related and environment-related subjects or submit a complaint in this regard?

You may find important information on the content, the process and the various points of contact here.

Request information

Do you have questions or need additional information? Simply fill out this form and we will get right back to you.

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