FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

NGP trigger output of different protection state


I would like to get trigger output indicating the bit status of OTP, OVP and OPP of my NGP800 series PSU. Is this possible ?

How do I have to set up the device?


The R&S NGP allows the output of different trigger events on 8 DIO Pins on the rear panel.

Each of these DIO Pins can be assigned to a direction (output in this case), channel, mode and polarity (hi or low can indicate active state).

NGP trigger output of different protection states.

The different modes are

OUTPut | OVP | FUSE | OTP | OPP | VMODe | CMODe | VLEVel | ILEVel | ENABle | INHibit | ARB | ARBPoint | ARBGroup | RAMP | ANINput | STATistics | LOG | PLEVel

Please find a Python example in the attachment showing how to performa all settings on CH1.