11 Results
How can I save the complete device information of my CMA 180 to a USB stick?
CMA180 / CMW100 GUI displays "Smartcard not found"
I get an unwanted 1 kHz tone in the demodulated AF spectrum after starting the generator in the Expert Mode using dialing. Where does this tome come from?
CMA180 VOIP ED-137B and ED-137C CMA180, VOIP, EUROCAE, ED-137B, ED-137C CMA180 VOIP ED-137B and ED-137C CMA180, VOIP, EUROCAE, ED-137B, ED-137C
Programming Examples CMA180
I connected my NRP Sensor to the CMA180. Unfortunetaly it is not found when opening the "Sensor" Tab. What can I do to make the sensor work?
With version 1.7.20 we made changes to some parameters which lead to incompatibility with elder savesets.
I use my CMA180 to gauge several tones sent by my transceiver. Unfortunately I can see these tones in the dialing section (they will be detected) and in the scope. However, I can not see the desired additional information in the OverView or AF Results tab: Are there some settings I have overseen?
Sometimes when I start the XRT100 measurement, the CMA application returns a connection error. What can I do to avoid this problem?
CMA180 - Demodulator output to AFx-Out
CMA180 lower down measurement time for AF Signal using SCPI commands