R&S®BBA300 Broadband amplifier

Linear high power over ultra-wide frequency ranges

R&S®BBA300 Broadband amplifier
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R&S®BBA300 Broadband amplifier
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R&S®BBA300 Broadband amplifier
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R&S®BBA300 Broadband amplifier
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R&S®BBA300 Broadband amplifier
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R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier, hero view R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier, front low R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier, back low R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier, front low R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier, back low

Key Facts

  • Continuous RF signal sweeps across ultra broad frequency ranges up to 18 GHz
  • Linear RF output power up to 300 W with outstanding noise power density and excellent harmonic characteristics
  • Supports amplitude, frequency, phase, pulse and complex OFDM modulation modes
  • High availability and robust operation under all mismatch conditions
  • Flexible and scalable functions and configurations with expandable frequency and power
  • 3-year warranty extension

The R&S®BBA300 family – an innovative solid-state generation of broadband amplifiers with high availability

Flexible, configurable as single, dual or multiband amplifier system

The R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifiers are a new generation of highly compact solid-state broadband
amplifiers designed for high availability. They feature extremely wide, continuous frequency bands
extending up into the high microwave range, along with high linearity, outstanding noise power density and
excellent harmonic characteristics. They also boast high system configuration and operational settings flexibility.

The R&S®BBA300 is ideal for critical test environments such as EMC, product validation and OTA coexistence testing as well as for RF component testing in the frequency range from 380 MHz to 18 GHz for RF output power of up to 300 W P1dB.

Features & benefits

Excellent RF performance

The products in the R&S®BBA300 family include the R&S®BBA300-CDE, R&S®BBA300-DE, R&S®BBA300-F and R&S®BBA300-FG amplifier series with broadband amplification in the frequency ranges from 380 MHz to 18 GHz with output power of up to 300 W. They cover frequencies in EMC standards, in the GSM, LTE, 5G and GPRS mobile communications standards as well as the WLAN, Bluetooth® and Zigbee radio standards. The amplifiers support continuous sweeping of RF signals across the entire frequency range. This unique feature speeds up EMC testing, RF component and device testing and validation for wireless communications manufacturers. Narrowband CW signals (signals with simple AM, FM, PM or φM modulation and broadband, complex OFDM signals) can be amplified. High linearity, outstanding noise power density as low as –110 dBm/Hz and harmonic characteristics of –25 dBc and ensure a low adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) as well as excellent transfer characteristics without additional EVM.

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Tunable amplifier

R&S®BBA300 means just one ultra-wideband amplifier is needed for many applications The and requirements. The innovative R&S®BBA300-PK1 software option gives the R&S®BBA300 wideband amplifier family two powerful tools for tuning amplifiers and optimizing output signals. Users can adjust the amplifier for excellent linearity or faithful reproduction of pulse signals by shifting the operating point between class A and class AB and setting the amplifier for maximum RF output power or for maximum tolerance of output mismatch to utilize the application power reserves. Developers in R&D labs, test engineers in test labs, integrators or operators on production lines can optimize output signals and react flexibly to a wide variety of requirements.

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High availability

The innovative R&S®BBA300 family features high availability and robust operations. The sophisticated RF design ensures reliable, continuous operation even with mismatched RF output loads or a shorted or open RF output. EMC labs appreciate the high mismatch tolerance of Rohde & Schwarz broadband amplifiers, which can provide full RF power at the output even with mismatches of up to VSWR 6:1. Minimizing downtime is vital to users. Rohde & Schwarz amplifiers offer high availability, stability and reliability with innovative, smart protection concepts. Functions such as periodic bias current adjustment to compensate for component aging and drift increase the lifetime of broadband amplifiers. Customized service packages increase the high system availability of R&S®BBA300 amplifiers.

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Flexible, configurable

R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifiers are designed for maximum flexibility in minimum space. The compact and modular design of the amplifiers and other components enables scalable, highly integrated rack systems with 19" plug-in units. The frequency range and power of the amplifiers can be flexibly configured and subsequently extended at any time, securing user investment. Switch options enable individual amplifiers to be combined for specific applications and multiple frequency bands can be grouped into a system.

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Smart control

A new software platform ensures role-based, modern, user-friendly operation. The GUI allows operation point adjustments during use for improved efficiency. Dedicated access is available to extensive parameter sets. Option keys enable additional functions such as frequency range extension, high power mode, adjustment of operation point or other.  The standard Ethernet interface automates test procedures with remote control commands that use SCPI nomenclature. 
Optionally, the SNMP protocol can be enabled for remote control. 

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Available models

Single band amplifier
Frequency range
P1dB output power


Frequency range
380 MHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
15 W


Frequency range
380 MHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
25 W


Frequency range
380 MHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
50 W


Frequency range
380 MHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
90 W


Frequency range
380 MHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
180 W


Frequency range
380 MHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
300 W


Frequency range
1 GHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
15 W


Frequency range
1 GHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
25 W


Frequency range
1 GHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
50 W


Frequency range
1 GHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
90 W


Frequency range
1 GHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
180 W


Frequency range
1 GHz - 6 GHz
P1dB output power
300 W


Frequency range
6 GHz - 13 GHz
P1dB output power
30 W


Frequency range
6 GHz - 13 GHz
P1dB output power
50 W


Frequency range
6 GHz - 18 GHz
P1dB output power
30 W


Frequency range
6 GHz - 18 GHz
P1dB output power
50 W

Available options


Order Number 5355.8250.02


GPIB Remote Control

External converter


Order Number 5355.8866.02


RF Input Switch (1:2 or 2:1, N)

The last two digits of the order number depend on the system configuration


Order Number 5355.8950.02


RF Input Switch (1:6, N)


Order Number 5355.8795.02


RF Output Switch (2:1 or 1:2, N)

The last two digits of the order number depend on the system configuration


Order Number 5355.8895.02


RF Output Switch (2:2, 7/16)

The last two digits of the order number depend on the system configuration


Order Number 5355.8989.02


RF Output Switch (2:2, 7/8" EIA)


Order Number 5355.8943.02


RF Output Switch (2:2, 1 5/8" EIA)


Order Number 5355.8995.02


RF Output Switch (6:1, N)


Order Number 5353.9236.03


DC Block Input Protection (N)


Order Number 5355.8837.02


RF Forward/RF Reflected Sample Ports (N front)


Order Number 5355.8850.02


Detected Forward/Detected Reflected Sample Ports (N front)


Order Number 5355.8872.02


Sample Port Switch (dual-port, N front)


Order Number 5355.8889.02


Transparent I/O

Software options

Option adjusts operation point and high power for the R&S®BBA300 (software license) - frequency and power dependent


Order Number 5352.8220.02


Option fast amplifier mute (software license)


Order Number 5355.6105.02


Ultra Broadband Load

From DC to 18 GHz

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