FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

EMC32, using CISPR Average with ESCI


I am using EMC32 with EMI Auto Test EMC32-K10 and Test Receiver ESCI. The issue is I cannot perform final measurements with the detector CISPR AV.

Basically ESCI in manual operation does not allow CISPR detector for any trace and this OK for all my applications. For final results, CISPR Average is available on the instrument. A scan performed manually on ESCI with Pk + AV and final results with QP + CAV works perfectly. Therefore, ESCI is able to do finals with CAV detector. Unfortunately, from EMC32 I still get a warning with error number 4015:

Warning with error number 4015

Why does the EMC32 display a warning during final measurements with the CAV detector, although the ESCI is capable of doing so?


You are right, ESCI does not perform any scans with CAV detector. This is also the root of error 4015 you got from EMC32.

The test flow used in EMC32 is different and more sophisticated.compared to ESCI in manual operation. In the screenshot below you see a bracket in the EMI Auto Test, which includes the second frequency Zoom, a possible Adjustment and the Final measurement. In your case, you have activated this optional, second Zoom.

Second zoom

The bracket indicates, that this second Zoom measurements will not be performed in one block (as is the case with the first Zoom). Instead those measurements will be done right before the corresponding adjustment/final measurement (this helps with drifting interferers).

It is important to know: A zoom is not a single measurement, it is a partial scan over a small band around the critical frequency. The issue is that error 4015 occurs during Zoom and not during single measurement. So the displayed warning is absolutely correct. The root is that you have selected the CISPR Average detector in the chosen scan template for the second zoom.

CISPR Average detector in the chosen scan template for the second zoom

For the second zoom, select the Average detector instead of CISPR Average and start a new Test, then the measurement will run fine without errors.