110 Results
The R&S®RTM3000 and R&S®RTA4000 offer pulse width modulation (PWM) track analysis functionality, which is a great feature for verifying and optimizing soft start.
R&S®RTM3000は、日常的な問題解決ツールとして設計されています。Power of Ten(10ビットADC、10倍のメモリ、10.1インチタッチスクリーン)と、すべてのローデ・シュワルツ製プローブに使用できるローデ・シュワルツ・プローブインタフェースが搭載されたオシロスコープです。
만능 문제해결 도구인 R&S®RTM3000은 '10' 으로 표현되는 강력한 기능(10비트 ADC, 10배 용량의 메모리, 10.1" 터치스크린), 그리고 로데슈바르즈의 모든 프로브와 연결 가능한 로데슈바르즈 프로브 인터페이스가 함께 적용된 제품입니다.
Разработанный как средство решения повседневных задач, осциллограф R&S®RTM3000 сочетает десятикратную эффективность (10-разрядный АЦП, 10-кратный объем памяти и сенсорный экран с диагональю 10,1") с интерфейсом пробников Rohde & Schwarz для всех пробников Rohde & Schwarz.
Entwickelt als Problemlösungswerkzeug für den täglichen Einsatz kombiniert das R&S®RTM3000 die „Power of Ten“ (10-bit-A/D-Wandler, 10-facher Speicher und 10,1" Touchscreen) mit einer Tastkopfschnittstelle von Rohde & Schwarz. Diese ist mit allen Tastköpfen von Rohde & Schwarz kompatibel.
Designed as an everyday problem solving tool, the R&S®RTM3000 combines the power of ten (10-bit ADC, 10 times the memory and 10.1" touchscreen) with a Rohde & Schwarz probe interface for use with all Rohde & Schwarz probes.
El R&S®RTM3000 es una herramienta desarrollada para resolver problemas cotidianos. Ofrece un convertidor A/D de 10 bits, 10 veces más memoria que otros osciloscopios, una pantalla táctil de 10,1" así como la interfaz de sonda de Rohde & Schwarz para su uso con todas las sondas de Rohde & Schwarz.
R&S®RTM3000 整合 10 位元 ADC,10 倍的儲存深度和 10.1 吋觸控螢幕以及適用於所有羅德史瓦茲探棒的探棒介面,完美呈現「power of ten」的設計概念,幫助您輕鬆克服各種量測挑戰。
The track functionality of the R&S®RTM3000 and the R&S®RTA4000 oscilloscopes is a great feature for displaying any varying PWM signal versus time in various applications.
Conçus avec l'objectif d'être des outils permettant de résoudre les problèmes du quotidien, les R&S®RTM3000 associent l'évolution Power of ten (CAN sur 10 bits, mémoire multipliée par 10 et un écran tactile 10,1") avec l'interface de sonde Rohde & Schwarz qui est compatible avec l'ensemble des sondes Rohde & Schwarz.
Combining a low-noise oscilloscope with a power rail probe provides a measurement system that delivers measurements that are more accurate.
Combining a low-noise oscilloscope with a power rail probe, developed uniquely for measuring power rails, provides a measurement system that delivers measurements that are more accurate.
R&S®RTM3000 Oscilloscope - Specifications Brochures and Data Sheets Specifications
R&S®RTM3000 versus Tektronix MDO3000 - Comparison Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
R&S®RTM3000 versus Tektronix 3 Series MDO - Comparison Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
R&S®RTM3000 versus LeCroy WS3000 - Comparison Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
R&S®RTM3000 versus Keysight InfiniiVision 3000T - Comparison Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
Get in touch with the power of ten. Discover the R&S®RTM3000 oscilloscopes (100 MHz to 1 GHz) - Poster
R&S®RTM3000 Digital Oscilloscope - Fact Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes meet frequency response analysis task requirements and provide a cost-optimized alternative to dedicated standalone low frequency network analyzers.
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the R&S RTM3000 digital oscilloscopes
The R&S®RTx-K36 frequency response analysis (Bode plot) option provide a low-cost alternative to low frequency network analyzers or dedicated standalone frequency analyzers.
The application fields of oscilloscopes extend to EMI debugging because of their powerful and easy-to-use FFT analysis capabilities– and save time and money.
Models: R&S®RTM3002, R&S®RTM3004, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B222, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B242, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B223, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B243, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B225, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B245, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B2210, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B2410
Models: R&S®RTM3002, R&S®RTM3004, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B222, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B242, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B223, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B243, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B225, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B245, R&S®RTM3002 + RTM-B2210, R&S®RTM3004 + RTM-B2410