33 Results
R&S®SFE100 Model .12 Test Transmitter - Specifications
ANSI/SCTE 40 Conformance Testing Using the R&S SFU, R&S SFE and R&S SFE100
29-Oct-2009 | AN-No. 7BM68
Converting MediaFLO™ Waveform Files to R&S<sup>®</sup> SFU / SFE / SFE100 ARB Format Using IQWIZARD/WinIQSIM™ for R&S<sup>®</sup> SFx-K35 ARB
10-Nov-2008 | AN-No. 7BM73
Creating Test Scenarios in Accordance with IEC 62002 Ed. 2.0 (MBRAI) Using the R&S SFU
28-Nov-2007 | AN-No. 7BM61
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the R&S®SMCV100B vector signal generator including hardware options.
Rohde & Schwarz getting started manual for the R&S®SFE100 test transmitter. The compact solution for all major TV and broadcasting standards.
The SFU200A and SFE100 can be used to simulate the performance of many different types of receivers in the SFU200A and SFE100. This paper describes how to use these tools to simulate a correlated receiver using R&S®SFU.
19-Oct-2012 | AN-No. 7BM76
This application note describes how the transmitter landscape of a DVB-T2 single-frequency network (SFN) can be simulated in multiple input single output (MISO) mode in order to test the compatibility and performance of receiver modules.
03-Feb-2014 | AN-No. 7BM80
This Application Note presents Test & Measurement equipment for the broadcast and mobile radio sector and discusses some possible test setups.
08-Dec-2011 | AN-No. 1MA176
For the purposes of testing the compatibility and performance of receiver modules, this application note describes how this type of composite T2-Base/T2-Lite RF signal can be simulated using one R&S®BTC or alternatively two instruments from the family of broadcast signal generators.
03-Feb-2014 | AN-No. 7BM81
This application note describes the programs R&S®IQ Converter and R&S®IQ Stream Extractor that quickly and conveniently convert the contents of I/Q waveform files of nearly any structure into the I/Q format.
03-Feb-2014 | AN-No. 7BM79
Rohde & Schwarz Drivers under VEE - Installation and Troubleshooting
20-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA035
R&S®SFU-K228 Transport Streams for EMC Tests - Specifications
R&S®SFE100-K18 ATSC-M/H Coder Option - Specification
R&S SFU-K361, R&S WV-K811 DRM+ Waveforms - Specifications
R&S SFU-K353, R&S WV-K803 DRM Waveforms - Specifications
R&S®LIB-K72 Extended HDTV Library - Specifications
R&S®LIB-K71 SDTV Extended Library - Specifications
Radio user experience should not be a game of chance DAB+ solution from Rohde & Schwarz - Flyer
R&S®DV-ASC Advanced Stream Combiner - Specifications
Apple iPad Remote Control for Broadcasting T&M Instruments
02-Oct-2012 | AN-No. 7BM82
XM Radio Waveforms (R&S®BTC-K256 / R&S®SFE-K256 / R&S®SFE100-K256) Manual
R&S®Stream libraries For Broadcasting T&M equipment from Rohde & Schwarz - Product Brochure