15 Results
Rohde & Schwarz offers a powerful tool for remote control of their oscilloscopes - the RsInstrument Python module. This module enables users to control and automate their Rohde & Schwarz test & measurement instruments, including oscilloscopes, through Python scripts or interactive console communication.
In general, most of the existing electronic devices are connected to the AC mains and require a power conversion stage to convert the AC-Voltage to a smaller DC-Voltage. Voltages and frequencies of the power grid differ between different regions. However, different types of AC-DC conversion stages exist to supply the electronic equipment with adequate DC-power.In AC-DC conversion combined with power levels less than 50W, the flyback converter is a commonplace chosen topology because of its simplicity and its low cost. The majority of consumer products make use of this converter type like wall brick power supplies or power adapters for any consumer application and other type of stand-by auxiliary power supply like used in white and brown goods. In AC to DC converter application, an electrical isolation between input and output is mandatory. The flyback topology provides this galvanic barrier.Beside the common advantages of a flyback converter, it has inherently parasitic components, which typically produce ringing waveforms with considerably high voltage spikes. Without suppressing this unwanted ringing, it may have some negative effect on other components like the switching elements. This ringing can also influence the EMI emissions adversely. Therefore, it is an important task to adequate suppress and damp the ringing effect. This damping circuit is known as snubber circuit and provides this functionality. In the flyback converter, different snubber structures can be applied and each of the structure has its advantage and disadvantage.The demand having a snubber circuit in the power supply topology leads to specific verification methods during the design to obtain a proper and reliable design. These verification methods are the main focus of the discussions within this document.
23-Jun-2021 | AN-No. 1SL363
From designing a test setup to performing accurate measurements
Double-Pulse testing is a standard test-method used in power electronics design. Accurate measurements require a careful design of the test setup and the selection of the right measurement instruments. This application note discusses important aspects of double-pulse test setups as well as how to perform accurate measurements.
22-Mar-2021 | AN-No. GFM347
Make more accurate power rail measurements.
This application note describes different measurement techniques and methods for an automotive lighting module based on a hybrid controller design. Of course, a lighting module in such an environment has to fulfil requirements according to the automotive standard, which is typically a relatively high-level standard compare to the industry standard. The oscilloscope is a perfect tool for this application to verify the set of requirements because time domain signals (analog and digital) are present in the whole design. Furthermore, measurements in the frequency domain have to be performed, which a modern oscilloscope can fulfil. In addition to the oscilloscope, a programmable power supply supports the measurement in several measurements. The set of requirements are the main reason why a hybrid controller from Microchip is a great choice for this design because it provides tremendous analogue and digital capabilities. The hybrid controller provides beside the analogue functions like an operational amplifier digital functions like analog-to-digital converter and interface functions like UART, CAN or LIN to interact with other systems. The programmable software part is hosted in the digital part. The digital part of the controller implements the communication interface and provides status information to the outer system controller. The light source itself has to avoid any flicker and shall be capable to dim to different lighting levels. Wide input voltage variations and efficiency have to be taken into account during the design of a converter dedicated for automotive applications. Nevertheless, the measurement considerations presented with the design are valid and applicable in other professional lighting industries as well.Thanks to Mr. Andreas Reiter and Mr. Milan Marjanovic from Microchip who provided us with hardware and software and their great expertise to create this application note.
08-Jun-2020 | AN-No. GFM339
Oscilloscopes are the workhorses for power electronics engineers. With powerful and easyto- use FFT analysis capabilities, their application fields extend to EMI debugging – and that saves a lot of time and money. A typical task is verifying the effectiveness of an EMI filter – early in the development phase.
Soft-start verification is becoming a major concern for modern switching mode power supplies due to the increasing use of digital controllers. The R&S®RTM3000 and R&S®RTA4000 oscilloscopes offer pulse width modulation (PWM) track analysis functionality, which is a great feature for verifying and optimizing soft start during development.
This application note describes how to measure the control loop stability of switch-mode power supplies to get the best performance and confidence of the design. It will explain the main measurement concept and will guide the user during the measurements and mention the main topics in a practical manner. Wherever possible, a hint is given where the user should pay attention to it to avoid weak measurements. The Rohde and Schwarz buck converter reference board was designed in collaboration with Texas Instruments and is used to illustrate the closed loop measurement in a practical manner.
01-Jul-2019 | AN-No. GFM321
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control Using R&S®Forum Application for Instrument Remote Control 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
Make more accurate power rail measurements.
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
What are the two key benefits of oscilloscopes with deep acquisition memory?
Long acquisitions at maximum resolution with the history function