19 Results
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have taken giant steps in speed and accuracy over the past years: Such devices allow high-speed video processing and even software defined radio (SDR) applications, where digitization is being performed at ever-higher intermediate frequencies (IF). This has clearly raised the bar for ADC test equipment, especially regarding the noise performance of the analog input signal and sample clock sources used in the test setup. The R&S®SMA100B offers outputs for the analog input signal of the ADC as well as the clock input signal in one single instrument - both with outstanding signal purity.
11-Jan-2021 | AN-No. 1GP66
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications. R&S®VISA also includes a trace tool that simultaneously monitors communications between multiple applications and T&M instruments, and permits targeted analysis with the aid of efficient filters.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control Using R&S®Forum Application for Instrument Remote Control 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
This application note outlines two different approaches for remote-controlling Rohde & Schwarz instruments out of MathWorks MATLAB:The first one uses VISA connection and direct SCPI commands.The second approach takes advantage of Rohde & Schwarz VXI plug&play instrument drivers and MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox.
12-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA171
Rohde & Schwarz recognizes the potential risk of computer virus infection when connecting test instrumentation to Windows®-based computers via local area networks (LANs), or using removable storage devices.This white paper introduces measures to minimize malware threats and discusses ways to reduce risks while ensuring that instrument performance is not compromised. The paper also discusses the use of anti-virus software in combination with Embedded Linux based instruments.
23-Nov-2016 | AN-No. 1GP112
The R&S®SMA100A signal generator offers a remote emulation feature that makes it possible to control the instrument by commands other than the built-in native SCPI commands. This feature allows the user to replace signal generators, e.g. from other manufacturers, with the R&S®SMA100A without having to change the remote control code. This application note describes how to use the remote emulation feature in general. Furthermore, it describes in detail the remote emulation for each supported instrument, limitations of the individual emulations and the remaining differences between the emulated and the original commands.
17-Aug-2015 | AN-No. 1GP93
This application note introduces the IVI High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) and outlines its features. HiSLIP is the successor to the VXI-11 LAN remote control protocol. This document also describes guidelines for using this protocol.
12-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1MA208
The R&S MATLAB® Toolkit for Signal Generators provides routines for remote controlling these instruments. Additional MATLAB® scripts turn I/Q vectors into the Rohde & Schwarz waveform file format for use with an ARB. This application note describes the installation and use of the R&S MATLAB® Toolkit on Microsoft Widows and Linux based systems.
26-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1GP60
The aim of this application note is to provide information regarding Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. This paper shall help application engineers and software developers to easily get an understanding of advanced techniques to develop test and measurement (T&M) applications by utilizing Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. Furthermore the nomenclature used for Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers will be explained.
01-Jan-2013 | AN-No. 1MA153
The use of Rohde & Schwarz device drivers under VEE software is not complicated. However, a number of factors are involved, the errors that occur are often difficult to diagnose. This application provides easy and detailed support for installation and troubleshooting using National Instruments or Agilent GPIB boards.
20-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA035
This application note highlights various aeronautical radio navigation signals such as VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR), instrument landing system (ILS) for glide slope (GS) and localizer (LLZ), as well as marker beacon (MB). Rohde & Schwarz test and measurement solutions for avionics navigation equipment are introduced based on application scenarios, including calibration, research and development, field tests, and transceiver testing.
01-Feb-2012 | AN-No. 1MA193
This Application Note describes a software program that provides easy creation and transfer of Pulse Trains between a PC and the R&S SMB100A, R&S SMA100A and R&S SMF100A analog signal generators with the Pulse Train option; or between a PC and the ARB of R&S SMBV100A, R&S SMJ100A or R&S SMU200A vector signal generators.
10-May-2011 | AN-No. 1MA148
The R&S®SMB100A analog signal generator is the ideal calibration source for weather radar receivers due to its highly accurate output level.
The foregoing application note is intended for everyone who desires to become more familiar with the use and upload of custom data in ARB, digital modulation and RF list mode. Particularly, this note describes the instruments R&S® SMW200A, R&S® SGT100A, R&S® SMBV100A, R&S® SMU200A, R&S® SMJ100A and R&S® SMATE200A and provides an overview of already available solutions as well as it gives hints for the writing of own applications. Please also see the application note 1GP88 for the ARB Toolbox software and the application note 1GP96 for the CDM-Toolbox software.
22-Dec-2010 | AN-No. 1GP62
This application note describes how to generate test signals with Rohde & Schwarz signal generators of the R&S® SMx family (R&S®SMA100A, R&S®SMF100A, R&S®SML, R&S®SMT, and R&S®SMIQ) to perform interference testing on implantable medical devices using a small application software.
15-Jul-2009 | AN-No. RCS0812-0065
Signal generators are often used in automated test environment applications. The replacement of those instruments, e.g., due to malfunction or standard replacement procedures requires special care to be taken in consideration. Replacement of those instruments requires compabitiblity between the replacement and the replaced device in at least the electrical and remote-control features. This application note describes in detail how to use the emulation modes of the R&S® series SMA100A, SMB100A, SMF100A signal generators.
24-Jun-2008 | AN-No. 1GP71
This Application Note describes characterization of devices used in radar systems with pulsed signals. The emphasis is on measurements using vector network analyzers (VNAs), signal generators, vector signal generators and spectrum analyzers.
18-Jan-2008 | AN-No. 1MA124
This document presents a simple procedure for network analysis that is more cost-effective than the use of scalar network analyzers. It allows the accurate measurement of the transmission characteristics of filters, amplifiers and frequency converters over a large frequency and dynamic range. In order to reach very high measurement speeds, Rohde & Schwarz signal generators are operated in 'List Mode', and Rohde & Schwarz power meters are operated in 'Buffered Mode.' The required programming for the signal generator and the power meter is illustrated by excerpts from a Visual Basic program which is available, free of charge, upon request.
14-Jul-2006 | AN-No. 1MA101