80 Results
FSH4Remote is a free-of-charge program for connecting the R&S FSH4/8 handheld spectrum analyzer or the R&S FSC spectrum analyzer to a remote computer, and for providing remote control of the functions from the computer.
09-Feb-2012 | AN-No. 1MA180
R&S ® FSH The all-in-one handheld measuring instrument for field work -Flyer
This application note explains how to perform LTE base station measurements over the air (OTA) using the R&S®FSH4/8/13/20 handheld spectrum analyzer.
12-Sep-2013 | AN-No. 1EF87
R&S®FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Specifications
R&S FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Specifications
R&S FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Specifications
R&S®FSH 频谱分析仪坚固耐用,方便携带,适合在现场使用。重量轻、设计简单且构思严密的操作理念以及广泛的测量功能使其成为需要高效户外测量工作用户不可或缺的工具。
R&S®FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Fact Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
R&S®FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Product Brochure Brochures and Data Sheets Product brochure
R&S FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Product Brochure
I followed the instructions in the PDF file for the FSH model but did not succeed at the end. What did I do wrong?
FSH dispays strange MAC address
How to create a Hardcopy using R&S<sup>®</sup>Instrument Drivers
11-Dec-2009 | AN-No. 1MA160
FSH Connection to PC or Laptop trouble with old USB Cable
Models: R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH20, R&S®FSH20
I want to perform a screenhsot on my FSH Spectrum Analyzer using a USB stick. Unfortunately all the pictures get saved to the \PUBLIC folder, but not to the USB stick.
Models: R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH20, R&S®FSH20
Models: R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH20, R&S®FSH20
FSH and Custom Preset
R&S®FSH-K1 Operating Manual
FSH-Z114 User Manual
R&S®FSH-K40 Remote Control Operating Manual
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the R&S®FSH Spectrum Analyzer; it provides all the information about using the instrument, including its applications.
I want to connect my HE400 to my handheld devices. Unfortunately I don't know which adaptor cable I need for that task. Is there an overview available?
Transferring ASCII trace data by memory card
R&S®FSH quick start manual; provides the information needed to set up and start working with the instrument. Basic operations and handling are described. Safety information is also included.
This application note explains how to detect, characterize, find and document interferers in cellular networks using the R&S®FSH spectrum analyzer.
21-Oct-2014 | AN-No. 1EF89
WLAN Tests According to Standard 802.11a/b/g
28-Jul-2004 | AN-No. 1MA69
VSWR Measurement in 75 Ω Systems - using the R&S<sup>®</sup>FSH3-TV TV Analyzer
01-Mar-2008 | AN-No. 7BM72
Distance-To-Fault (DTF) Measurement in 75 Ohm Systems with the R&S FSH3-TV
21-Sep-2006 | AN-No. 7BM60