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Find the information you need from Rohde & Schwarz. Search for products, technologies, applications, manuals, datasheets, tutorials, FAQs, and more.
15 Results
Collapsible VHF/UHF direction-finding (DF) antenna with superior accuracy
R&S®TMS-CDF compact transportable monitoring station for direction finding - robust and weather-resistant ideal for outdoor use in various enviroments.
The R&S®EM200 digital compact monitoring receiver is a cost-efficient and optimized solution for remote controlled spectrum monitoring and geolocation. It detects, analyzes, demodulates and locates emissions from 8 kHz to 8 GHz.
The R&S UMS400 universal monitoring system in combination with Rohde & Schwarz monitoring and direction-finding antennas is the basis for fixed, mobile and transportable spectrum monitoring stations, e.g. for interference hunting and spectrum monitoring at major events.
R&S®PR200 portable monitoring receiver – high-performance spectrum monitoring in a handheld format. Reliably detects, analyzes and locates signals from 8 kHz to 8 GHz.
Compact radiomonitoring from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz
The PR100 operates from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz and is designed for radiomonitoring applications in the field.
The R&S®ADD307 VHF/UHF DF antenna is optimized for portable radiolocation in the frequency range from 20 MHz to 690 MHz and for small scale electronic warfare (EW) operations including emitter hunting missions and longterm monitoring missions close to targets.
Compact wideband monitoring receiver from 8 kHz to 6 GHz (with options) and optional direction finding upgrade
The R&S®ESMD wideband monitoring receiver is designed for signal search, radiomonitoring, radio detection and spectrum monitoring from 8 kHz to 26.5 GHz.
The R&S®ESME wideband monitoring receiver enables reliable high-performance spectrum monitoring from 8 kHz to 40 GHz, even in high density signal environments.
The R&S®ESMW Ultra wideband monitoring receiver is the perfect solution to address future trends and challenges in spectrum monitoring. It covers the wide frequency range of 8 kHz to 40 GHz with an outstanding real-time bandwidth of up to 2 GHz.
ITU-compliant outdoor monitoring and location system with minimum infrastructure requirements and high flexibility for site selection.
Weatherproof remote spectrum monitoring and DF solution
15-May-2023 | Press Release | Defense
Rohde & Schwarz presents next generation EW solutions at AOC EuropeAOC Europe Rohde & Schwarz will present its latest and innovative portfolios of cutting-edge electronic warfare (EW) solutions for spectrum dominance and mission success.