FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

CMA180 - No detection of audio in the analyzer


I use my CMA180 to gauge several tones sent by my transceiver. Unfortunately I can see these tones in the dialing section (they will be detected) and in the scope.

CMA180 - No detection of audio in the analyzer

However, I can not see the desired additional information in the OverView or AF Results tab:

CMA180 - No detection of audio in the analyzer
CMA180 - No detection of audio in the analyzer

Are there some settings I have overseen?


As long as any dialing mode is activated, the results will only be displayed in the Dialing or AF Oscilloscope section.

For other investigations on the AF signal, please change the Mode in the Dialing section to "None":

CMA180 - No detection of audio in the analyzer