FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

EMC32, import Result Table from another PC for comparison


I would like to import a Result Table on another PC to my current PC into my current Test. I would like to do a comparision of the EMI scan results. How can I do this?


Yes, you can do this with a few simple steps:

1. Open the required Test on the other PC running with EMC32. Make sure sure that Measuement Mode is finished. Make a copy of the required Result Table with "Save to Main Folder"

EMC32, import Result Table from another PC for comparison

2. The wanted Result Table is then copied to ...EMC32\System\Tables.

3. Copy this Result Table with Windows Explorer to USB stick / shared network drive or simply use "Export" with a right click from EMC32 Explorer.

EMC32, import Result Table from another PC for comparison

4. Start your PC with your current EMC32. The Table can be loaded into EMC32 Explorer with "Import":

EMC32, import Result Table from another PC for comparison

5. Open the current Test

6. Do a right click into the Graphic. With "New Trace" => "From Table" the wanted result can be added to the current Graphic for comparison.

EMC32, import Result Table from another PC for comparison

7. Finished