11 Results
Correct measurement of resistance and current with the HMC8012
HMC8012 - Display current and voltage measurement at the same time
Remote Control Protocol using the HMC Series
How to calculate accuracy for the digital multimeter HMC8012.
Remote readout of 2nd function at the HMC8012
What is wrong with my Script?
How can I use the 2nd function to measure DCI and DCV in one setup via remote control?
We are using the HMC8012 for automatized tests. I have tried using both the fetch as well as the read commands, but the response time from the device is still about 1 second before any value is returned. Is it possible to have a faster response time than this?
Does the HMC8012 support to send the measurement data automatically as some kind of a stream?
Unfortunately I could not find the PTxx00 measurement accuracy information in the datasheet. Please can you provide some additional information?
I wrote a remote control script for my HMC series instrument which should get the log data I wrote to an external USB stick before. Using "EXT" will throw the error "File name not found". When I take a look at the USB stick on my PC, I can see that it definitely wrote the file to DRIVE:\Data\LOGFILE.CSV.