
R&S®SMZ75/90/110/170 User Manual

The manual provides a detailed description of the R&S®SMZ75/90/110/170 Frequency Multiplier functions. It comprises the base unit, the models with mechanically or electronically controlled attenuator, and the software R&S®SMZ Control.

The manual covers the following topics:

  • overview of connectors and control elements
  • basic instructions on how to use and set up a R&S®SMZ75/90/110/170
  • basic information on how to start a measurement with the R&S®SMF100A, R&S®SMB100A or other signal generators
  • basic information on how to install and use the R&S®SMZ Control

Refer also to the R&S®SMZ Brochures and Data Sheets for additional information.

The current English version corresponds to software / firmware versions:

  • SW R&S®SMZ Control V1.0
  • FW 1.8 and higher of the R&S®SMZ frequency multipliers
  • FW 2.20.530.15 or higher of the R&S®SMF100A signal generator firmware
  • FW 2.20.382.106 or higher of the R&S®SMB100A signal generator firmware