49 Results
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®ZNBT vector network analyzer.
Rohde & Schwarz Customer Information for hardware option R&S®ZNBT-Z14
Models: R&S®ZNBT8, R&S®ZNBT20, R&S®ZNBT26, R&S®ZNBT40
Models: R&S®ZNBT8, R&S®ZNBT20, R&S®ZNBT26, R&S®ZNBT40
Models: R&S®ZNBT8, R&S®ZNBT20, R&S®ZNBT26, R&S®ZNBT40
R&S®ZNBT, ZNBT, vector network analyzer The R&S®ZNBT is a true multiport vector network analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz. It can be used for testing complex multiport devices or multiple devices under test in parallel.
The Yamaha® MP Series combined with the R&S®ZNBT vector network analyzer measure the high frequency characteristics of a production lot at high speed and high accuracy.
In this paper a rapid characterization of high speed digital channels using a multiport VNA is demonstrated.The VNA is a major tool in the field of communication and signal processing.
18-Mar-2020 | AN-No. 1EZ83_0E
Rohde & Schwarz offers a powerful, wideband test solution covering millimeterwave bands (including the 5G bands) to characterize the integrated amplifiers.
This application note shows how to measure the phase accurately between several signals using vector network analyzers of the R&S®ZNA, R&S®ZNB and R&S®ZNBT families.
11-Jul-2019 | AN-No. 1EZ82
Vector Network Analyzers of t ZNA and ZNB family are able to measure magnitude and phase of complex S-parameters of a device under test (DUT) in the frequency domain.
30-Jul-2020 | AN-No. 1EP83
With continuously increasing data rates, signal integrity in high speed digital designs becomes more and more demanding
This application note provides practical hints to accurately characterize and de-embed these lead-in and lead-out structures with R&S Vector Network Analyzers ZNA, ZNB, ZNBT and ZND.
19-Sep-2022 | AN-No. 1SL367
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®ZNB/ZNBT Vector Network Analyzer
This application note aims to explain test procedures and characterization of the relevant parameters for active phased array antennas.
04-Jul-2016 | AN-No. 1MA248
Instrument Security for R&S®ZNB/ZNBT/ZNC/ZND
Rohde & Schwarz Getting Started with the R&S®ZNB/ZNBT Vector Network Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz partners with UNH-IOL to enhance high-speed Ethernet and InfiniBand compliance testingBy combining the UNH-IOL’s expertise in cable assembly and backplane compliance tests with Rohde & Schwarz test solutions, both partners are paving the way for automated compliance tests in line with the latest IEEE 802.3 Ethernet and InfiniBand standards.
Waveform Libraries and Tools for broadcasting T&M equipment from Rohde & Schwarz - Data sheet
This application note introduces the IVI High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) and outlines its features. HiSLIP is the successor to the VXI-11 LAN remote control protocol. This document also describes guidelines for using this protocol.
12-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1MA208
The R&S®ZNBT is easy and quick to configure for parallel testing. R&S®ZNBT, ZNBT, Vector Network Analyzers This video demonstrates testing multiple devices in parallel using a true multiport analyzer and shows the advantages compared to a switched matrix solution, including a significant reduction in measurement time.
Rohde & Schwarz at DesignCon 2022 presents latest innovations for high-speed digital applicationsAt DesignCon 2022, Rohde & Schwarz will showcase live demos covering industry trends in cooperation with industry experts such as Samtec, ataitec, Clear Signal Solutions, and more.
The R&S®ZNB and R&S®ZNBT vector network analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz now support eye diagrams. The R&S®ZNB and R&S®ZNBT vector network analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz now support eye diagrams. Eye diagrams are used to determine the quality of a signal transmitting device.
Remote control autocalibration with a calibration unit
Store several diagrams in one file and each diagram on its own page
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the external RFFE/GPIO interface R&S®ZN-Z15