51 Resultados
Esta nota de aplicação se aplica às fontes de alimentação de corrente contínua R&S®NGL200, R&S®NGM200, R&S®NGP800, R&S®NGU201 e R&S®NGU401, bem como aos medidores de LCR R&S®LCX100 e R&S®LCX200.
mai. 19, 2022 | AN-Nº. 1GP135
Die R&S®NGP800 Netzgeräteserie umfasst fünf Modelle mit 400 W oder 800 W. Die Geräte liefern maximale Ausgangsleistung über einen weiten Arbeitsbereich. An jedem der zwei oder vier Ausgänge stehen bis zu 200 W und je nach Modell maximal 64 V oder 20 A zur Verfügung. Die galvanisch getrennten und elektrisch äquivalenten Ausgänge erreichen im Parallel- und Serienbetrieb Spannungen bis zu 250 V und Ströme bis zu 80 A.
R&S®NGP800直流电源系列共有五种不同型号,功率为400 W或800 W,可在多种操作条件下提供最大功率。该电源系列具有两个或四个200 W输出通道,每个通道的输出电压或电流可达64 V或20 A。各个输出通道电气等效且隔离,可串联以提最高250 V电压,或并联以提供最高80 A电流。
Models: R&S®NGP802, R&S®NGP804, R&S®NGP814, R&S®NGP822, R&S®NGP824
Models: R&S®NGP802, R&S®NGP804, R&S®NGP814, R&S®NGP822, R&S®NGP824
Models: R&S®NGP802, R&S®NGP804, R&S®NGP814, R&S®NGP822, R&S®NGP824
R&S®NGP800 Power Supply Series - Fact Sheet Folhetos e folhas de dados
R&S®NGP800 versus Keysight E36200 series Folhetos e folhas de dados
Ferramenta de protocolo e mapeamento para fontes de alimentação CC.
nov. 14, 2019 | AN-Nº. 1GP122
Formato de arquivo para o pen drive USB utilizado em uma NGP800
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the R&S®NGP800 Power Supply Series including options.
Rohde & Schwarz instrument security manual for the R&S®NGP800 power supply series be used in a secured environment.
Rohde & Schwarz Getting Started for the R&S®NGP800 Power Supply Series with basic information on the initial operation and the functions of the power supply.
Gostaria de assegurar o estado de impedância alta de um canal específico para minha unidade de alimentação de energia. Existe algum processo para testar e assegurar esse estado? Vocês também poderiam explicar como o modo de impedância alta funciona?
Com quatro saídas independentes, cada uma fornecendo até 64 V ou 20 A, as novas fontes de alimentação R&S®NGP800 aumentarão a eficiência de qualquer laboratório. Vídeo, promoção do NGP800 Aumente a sua eficiência com o nosso novo produto
Saída de trigger do NGP de estado de proteção diferente
Assembly instruction for the rackmount-kit, R&S®ZZA-GE23.
Sense protection request on NGx series PSU during remote control
Jun 06, 2024
Rohde & Schwarz and VIAVI offer joint network test solutions supporting Open Radio Commercialization and InnovationThe United States Department of Commerce will provide funding to promote the deployment of open networks in the U.S. and abroad. Rohde & Schwarz and VIAVI offer joint test solutions to meet the needs of radio equipment manufacturers who plan to apply for the funding.
Power supplies – versatile and compact | Источники питания. Универсальные и компактные. - Flyer Folhetos e folhas de dados Flyer
Power supplies – versatile and compact | 紧凑型多功能电源 - Flyer Folhetos e folhas de dados Flyer
R&S®NGP804 Output delay Function - SCPI and python Cheat Sheet Folhetos e folhas de dados
Esta nota de aplicação apresenta ao leitor o projeto Hyperloop Pod Competition da SpaceX e suas demandas especiais para trens de acionamento de veículos elétricos.
mar. 31, 2021 | AN-Nº. GFM360
Mar 16, 2020
Rohde & Schwarz enables sub-THz ultra wideband signal analysisRohde & Schwarz is paving the way for research in the terahertz frequency range by demonstrating multi gigabit data transmission in the D-Band at 140 GHz. The setup features the R&S FSW high-end signal and spectrum analyzer equipped with an R&S FSW-B8001 option, supporting an unparalleled 8.3 GHz internal analysis bandwidth. This new hardware option will be available soon from Rohde & Schwarz.
Verifique a eficiência energética das suas unidades de rádio de O-RAN
mar. 19, 2024
Nov 24, 2020
New “Full Bench. High Value.” promotion by Rohde & Schwarz builds on successful complete solutions offerWith a typical engineer’s bench in mind, Rohde & Schwarz has created a new promotion, building on its successful campaign from last year. Under the motto “Full Bench. High Value.” customers can purchase for a limited time an even wider selection of fully equipped entry-level T&M instruments, pre-configured with all options at unrivaled package prices.
Power supplies. Versatile and compact. - Flyer Folhetos e folhas de dados Flyer
Jun 13, 2024
Rohde & Schwarz achieves breakthrough in sub-THz research with 140 GHz multi-channel transceiver characterizationRohde & Schwarz is advancing its pioneering sub-THz research in the D-Band and has reached important milestones. In collaboration with the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC), the test and measurement expert has successfully characterized a TX/RX multi-antenna chip (CHARM) operating at up to 140 GHz, using their D-Band over-the-air (OTA) test chamber. Academia and industry leaders agree that the 110 GHz to 170 GHz frequency range, known as D-Band, is critical for beyond 5G and 6G mobile communications and future automotive radar applications.