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Encontre informações relevantes sobre produtos, soluções ou downloads rapidamente usando a pesquisa geral: Digite uma palavra-chave, escolha uma categoria e selecione uma das subcategorias ativas para obter o que você precisa.
33 Resultados
The R&S®BBA300 is a robust, compact, ultra-wide band amplifier for use in critical test environments such as EMC, product validation and OTA coexistence in the frequency range of 380 MHz to 18 GHz and RF output power up to 300 W P1dB.
Os amplificadores de banda da Rohde & Schwarz são inovadoras soluções de amplificador para gerar potência de RF de até 13 kW na faixa de frequência entre 4 kHz e 18 GHz.
Сверхширокий диапазон частот, высокая эффективность и превосходные ВЧ-характеристики
Gamme de fréquence ultra large, haute performance et caractéristiques RF exceptionnelles
Ultrabroad frequency range, high performance and exceptional RF characteristics
Ultrabreiter Frequenzbereich, hohe Leistung und außergewöhnliche HF-Eigenschaften
Gama de frecuencias ultraancha, alto rendimiento y características de RF excepcionales
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier.
Models: R&S®BBA300-CDE15, R&S®BBA300-CDE25, R&S®BBA300-CDE50, R&S®BBA300-CDE90, R&S®BBA300-CDE180, R&S®BBA300-CDE300, R&S®BBA300-DE15, R&S®BBA300-DE25, R&S®BBA300-DE50, R&S®BBA300-DE90, R&S®BBA300-DE180, R&S®BBA300-DE300, R&S®BBA300-F30, R&S®BBA300-F50, R&S®BBA300-FG30, R&S®BBA300-FG50
May 23, 2024 | Press Release | EMC testing
Rohde & Schwarz extends ultra-wideband RF amplifier rangeDesigned for test environments, the BBA300 amplifier offers up to 450 W RF saturation power at the output, at frequencies from 380 MHz to 6 GHz.
Jan 14, 2025 | Press Release | EMC testing
New unleashed frequency ranges: Rohde & Schwarz extends broadband amplifiers to 18 GHzRohde & Schwarz, a trusted partner for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) turnkey solutions, has extended its proven R&S®BBA300 broadband amplifier portfolio with two innovative amplifier series, the R&S®BBA300-F which covers 6 to 13 GHz, and the R&S®BBA300-FG covering 6 to 18 GHz.
Visit Rohde & Schwarz at the EMV 2025 in Cologne for all EMC test soltuions and much more.
Mar 29, 2023 | Press Release | EMC testing
Rohde & Schwarz expands its new ultra-wideband RF amplifier family BBA300: High availability and extended range for critical test environmentsRohde & Schwarz has extended its proven BBA300 RF amplifier portfolio with a new powerful 90 W model for CDE and DE series. Designed for test environments, the BBA300 amplifiers offer 380 MHz to 6 GHz in one frequency band and up to 250 W output power.
Jul 20, 2023 | Press Release | EMC testing
New software option further boosts applications for BBA300 ultra-wideband RF amplifierNew software option further boosts applications for BBA300 ultra-wideband RF amplifier - Simple configuration through web interface allows full remote operation
Mar 15, 2022 | Press Release | Broadcast and Media
Rohde & Schwarz releases ultrawide band RF amplifierRohde & Schwarz and Pixel Power provide Europe’s leading Japanese-language broadcaster with a high performance, high availability solution for ingest, storage and playout.
Mar 05, 2024 | Press Release | EMC testing
Rohde & Schwarz at EMV 2024: Outstanding T&M solutions from the market leader in EMCAt the EMV show 2024 in Cologne, Rohde & Schwarz showcases a comprehensive range of EMC test and measurement solutions – ranging from standalone instruments and software to application-specific systems. The company dedicates a large part of the booth to demonstrations that show EMI compliance testing, EMC test automation, EMS immunity test, EMI debugging and EMF. The Rohde & Schwarz solutions are on display from March 12 to 14, 2024 at the Cologne exhibition center, hall 11.1, booth 106.
Esta nota educacional apresenta uma breve visão geral da função dos amplificadores em testes de EMC, bem como uma discussão dos parâmetros e das características que têm mais influência no desempenho de amplificadores.
ago. 01, 2022
RF amplifiers from Rohde & Schwarz in accelerator physics - Application Card
R&S UBL100 Ultra Broadband Load - Product Flyer
High-power amplifiers
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®DDC25 dual directional coupler.
Service Levels Description for Rohde & Schwarz Broadband Amplifiers - Miscellaneous
Excellence in precision. Solutions for particle accelerators - Flyer Folhetos e folhas de dados Flyer
Jul 11, 2022 | Press Release | EMC testing
Rohde & Schwarz showcases its market-leading, reliable EMC test solutions at EMV in CologneAt the EMC event EMV in Cologne, Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates a comprehensive range of EMC test and measurement solutions – ranging from standalone instruments and software to application-specific systems. As a highlight, the company unveils an important enhancement to the R&S ESW EMI test receiver, the new 1GHz bandwidth extension. The Rohde & Schwarz solutions are on display from July 12 to 14, 2022 at the Cologne exhibition center, hall 10.2, booth 112.
EMC system solutions from Rohde & Schwarz - Customized EMC test systems - Brochure