Key Facts
- Variable output power
- Electronic power control
- Automatic parameter setting
- Convenient handling
- Multiport and true differential measurements
Key Facts
The R&S®ZVA-Zxx millimeter-wave converters can make millimeterwave measurements in the E and W band from 60 to 90GHz and 75 to 110GHz. Rohde & Schwarz converters have a wide dynamic range, are very convenient to operate and enable fast measurements. When combined with the R&S®ZVA, two-port measurements can be performed with a four-port network analyzer and two converters; with no need for an external generator. A two-port network analyzer requires an external generator for LO signals. The R&S®ZNA can have up to four converters connected with no external signal generator.
typ. +10 dBm (R&S®ZVA-Z90)
typ. +10 dBm (R&S®ZVA-Z110)
typ. up to +2 dBm (R&S®ZVA-110E)
A control screw can reduce power by 40 dB (R&S®ZVA-Z110). The output power can be electronically reduced by 25 dB with the R&S®ZVA-Z110E. The R&S®ZVA-Z110 can reduce it by 70 dB with RF input power variation.
R&S®ZVA and R&S®ZNA firmware runs the converters with the R&S®ZVA-K8/R&S®ZNA-K8 converter control option. The network analyzer will automatically set the correct parameters based on the selected converter type. The network analyzer also protects converters by limiting output power to the converter coaxial inputs. For each converter band an appropriate calibration is available.
The converter waveguide connectors are arranged on a bar extending from the converter for convenient usage. The screwed flange joints are easily accessible for calibration and connecting the DUT. The converters can have three or four height-adjustable feet. Three feet make it much easier to align the test port flange. The converters have no fans – a big advantage in particle-sensitive environments.
Multiport devices such as couplers can be analyzed with three or four converters. The setup can use an R&S®ZVA24, R&S®ZVA40, R&S®ZVA50 or R&S®ZVA67 plus an external generator and one converter per test port. The R&S®ZNA26, R&S®ZNA43, R&S®ZNA50 or R&S®ZNA67 enable up to four converters, which can be connected without needing an external signal generator. The R&S®ZVA-Z90/R&S®ZVA-Z110 and the R&S®ZVA-Z110E are ideal for generating true differential signals (true differential mode).
The converters can also be operated in pulsed mode − to characterize pulsed amplifiers. This applies to both measurements versus frequency (average pulse and point-in-pulse) and pulse profile measurements.
Order Number 1322.3024.02
Order Number 1307.7000.02
Order Number 1307.7000.40
Order Number 1307.7000.50
Order Number 1307.7700.10
Waveguide calibration kit WR12, 60 GHz to 90 GHz (without sliding match)
Order Number 1307.7700.11
Waveguide calibration kit WR12, 60 GHz to 90 GHz (with sliding match)
Order Number 1307.7100.10
Waveguide calibration kit WR10, 75 GHz to 110 GHz (without sliding match)
Order Number 1307.7100.11
Waveguide calibration kit WR10, 75 GHz to 110 GHz (with sliding match)
Order Number 1332.5388.02
Converter Control Software
(for R&S®ZNA, R&S®ZVA-Zxxx, R&S®ZCxxx)
Order Number 1307.7022.02
Freq. converter control
(for R&S®ZVA24/40/50/67);
Order Number 1314.5373.00
Adapter SMA m/m angle
0 Hz to 18 GHz
Order Number 1314.5380.00
Adapter SMA m/f angle
0 Hz to 18 GHz
Order Number 1307.0886.02
2-way Wilkinson power divider
4 GHz to 27 GHz
Order Number 1302.5544.02
USB-to-IEC/IEEE adapter
(for control of external devices via IEC/IEEE bus)
Order Number 1323.7746.24
Adapter kit
including a power divider and two right angle SMA (m/m) adapters (required if R&S®ZVA24 var. 28 or R&S®ZVA40 var. 48 (VNAs with four sources) is used)
Order Number 1323.7746.50
Adapter kit
including four 1.85 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m) adapters and four 1.85 mm (m) to 2.92 mm (f) adapters (required if R&S®ZVA50 is used)
Order Number 1323.7746.67
Adapter kit
including a power divider, two right angle SMA (m/m) adapters, three 1.85 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m) adapters and four 1.85 mm (m) to 2.92 mm (f) adapters (required if R&S®ZVA67 is used)
Order Number 1314.5467.02
Torque wrench for waveguide flange screws
Order Number 1175.1960.00
Angled wrench for waveguide flange screws
Order Number 1175.2014.02
Torque wrench for waveguide flange screws
Order Number 1175.2014.03
Torque wrench for waveguide flange screws
Manufacturer's recommended retail price (MSRP). The price shown does not include VAT. Prices and offers are only intended for entrepreneurs and not for private end consumers.
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1. O sorteio de prêmios “10 anos dos osciloscópios da Rohde & Schwarz” (no presente, referido como “Sorteio”) é organizado pela Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Munique, Alemanha, tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (doravante referida como “R&S”).
2. Todos os participantes podem se inscrever durante o período de 1º de janeiro de 2020 a 31 de dezembro de 2020, informando seu nome, nome da empresa e e-mail comercial.
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Prêmio: 1 osciloscópio digital R&S®RTB2000
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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.