FAQs from Rohde & Schwarz

No Remote Connection Possible


I'm trying to communicate with the CBT using a GPIB connection. I've tested my connection on other pieces of equipment so I know that the code works but the CBT doesn't seem to respond to anything. I'm just sending a string "*IDN?" and expecting some kind of response from the CBT but I keep getting nothing at all. I know my VB code works on other instruments. Any ideas or help you could give me?


Please check the "SCPI Connection Port" on the CBT. Select "GPIB" or "GPIB + Com1" .

No Remote Connection Possible

View attached screen shots

If this setting is already enabled, please use the "Remote-Service-Tool" to check the GPIB interface. This tool

is available from the "CMU Customer Web" in GLORIS or from the Customer Support Center.

GLORIS: https://extranet.rohde-schwarz.com

Customer Support Center: CustomerSupport@Rohde-Schwarz.com