Our on-demand webinars provide vital input for engineers in charge of RF amplifier efficiency, including deep insights into EMC and coexistence issues, as well as power integrity.
Wideband modulated load pull
Broadcast: March 12, 2025
In this webinar you can discover innovative testing setups that deliver maximized insights to the device performance in its target application and support you to optimize the RF frontend.
TechTalk: EMC reverberation testing - Valuable insights for emissions and immunity testing
In this Tech Talk, we willl delve into addressing the specific challenges of EMC testing in highly integrated electronics by testing in reverberation chambers.
Join engineers from Otava, Avnet, and Rohde & Schwarz as they demonstrate test solutions for Avnet’s Wideband mmWave Radio Development Kit for the single chip combining programmable logic and a processing system, the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Gen-3.
This webinar is intended for engineers who work on RF power amplifier design and test. It will cover the purposes of research & development, characterization, and production.
Investigate RF power amplifier linearization benefits in EDA - including a comparison to hardware test
This webinar is intended for engineers who design RF frontends and RF power amplifiers and striving for the best possible error vector magnitude (EVM) performance.
Investigate RF power amplifier linearization benefits in EDA - including a comparison to hardware test
This webinar is intended for engineers who design RF frontends and RF power amplifiers and striving for the best possible error vector magnitude (EVM) performance.
mmWave and sub-THz active load-pull, gain compression and S parameter measurements
We will examine techniques that measure S-parameters at user-specified power levels, discuss making accurate and repeatable gain compression measurments, as well as non-50 ohm active load-pull measurements on DUTs under large signal conditions which make validating non-linear device models possible, and how to create ideal matching networks to maximize DUT performance.
This webinar introduces the Doherty amplifier as a special case of the “balanced” amplifier genre. We will discuss design & test challenges and show implementation variants that make it possible to increase output power and improve efficiency.
Power integrity - Challenges, best practices, and test solutions for sensitive electronic designs
We will be discussing power integrity issues, root causes and countermeasures in sensitive electronic designs. Demonstrating best design & test practices and solutions we will be supporting electronic design engineers effectively and efficiently powering their devices and systems. Measurements in the time & frequency domains provide detailed insights in the design verification.
The efficient use of spectrum is a key-requirement of the new radio equipment directive (RED). Not only transmitters, but also receivers now have to meet minimum regulatory requirements and need to be tested. This discussion with an EMC testing and regulatory expert goes through all relevant RED regulatory, testing and co-existing topics.
The two pillars of 5G: Energy and spectral efficiency
The session discusses the twin pillars of 5G deployment by operators: spectral efficiency (capacity) vs. energy efficiency (cost). We try to answer the question of how to increase network capacity while at the same time decreasing the network cost for both 5G FR1 and FR2 wireless networks. We explore both traditional methods of increasing capacity as well as newer methods based on old radar technology that can increase capacity while decreasing costs.
Basic and novel methods for the characterization of mixers with VNAs – part 1
In the first webinar, you will learn how to perform a scalar characterization of the mixer and how to measure the relative phase and group delay. In addition, you get to see the technology for mixers with/without LO access.
Basic and novel methods for the characterization of mixers with VNAs – part 2
You will gain further insights in the second webinar about how to perform mixed gain, group delay and phase measurements in the mmWave range, e.g. up to 110 GHz. You will get to know important calibration techniques.