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66 Resultados
The R&S®ZNL is a cost-efficient, portable vector network and spectrum analyzer, ideal for development, production and in the field
The R&S®FS-SNS smart noise source enables accurate noise figure and gain measurements by automatically loading all necessary setup parameters. Learn more here.
Rohde & Schwarz ofrece una amplia gama de analizadores de redes vectoriales versátiles y accesorios con excelentes características.
Brings the experience and power of Rohde & Schwarz signal analysis to PC and cloud
ZNL Vector Network Analyzer - Product Brochure
The spectrum analysis option provides the basic functionality for measuring an arbitrary RF signal in the frequency domain. Evaluation tools such as markers and limit lines allow a refined analysis of the measurement results. A wide range of predefined power measurements cover typical RF measurement tasks.
The R&S®ZNLE is a cost-efficient benchtop vector network analyzer. The analyzer's excellent performance makes it ideal for education, development and production.
The TDR option displays discontinuities, reflection factors or impedance versus delay/length.
Noise figure measurement with vector network analyzers
El R&S®ZNL puede caracterizar un amplio rango de impedancias con una mínima incertidumbre en comparación con sus competidores de la misma clase.
oct 02, 2019
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®ZNL vector network analyzer.
R&S ZNL Vector Network Analyzer - Specifications
R&S®ZNL Vector Network Analyzer - Fact Sheet Folletos y fichas técnicas
El R&S®ZNL es una solución económica que permite caracterizar todo tipo de DUT, tanto mediante análisis de redes como de análisis espectral sin requerir una configuración compleja.
dic 17, 2021
The R&S®ZNL is ideal for maintaining EMC setups with frequency ranges from 5 kHz up to 20 GHz. The R&S®ZNL is a highly scalable and versatile vector network analyzer that reduces investment costs and offers a unique option concept.
La solución avanzada de sintonización de filtros asistida por ordenador de SynMatrix permite optimizar los filtros en tiempo real, mediante un sencillo proceso guiado, con los analizadores de redes vectoriales de Rohde & Schwarz.
may 02, 2024
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®ZNL/ZNLE Vector Network Analyzer
Manual de inicio rápido de Rohde & Schwarz para el analizador vectorial de redes R&S®ZNL
Verifique la integridad del suministro de corriente de sus diseños electrónicos con potentes herramientas de medida de Rohde & Schwarz ► Más información.
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the Noise Figure application (option R&S®FPL1-K30 for a R&S®ZNL equipped with SA hardware option B1). Provides all the information specific to the application. All general instrument functions and settings common to all applications are described in the main R&S®ZNL/ZNLE User Manual.
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the Analog Demodulation application (option R&S®FPL1-K7 for a R&S®ZNL equipped with SA hardware option B1). Provides all the information specific to the application. All general instrument functions and settings common to all applications are described in the main R&S®ZNL/ZNLE User Manual.
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the Spectrum Analysis mode of the R&S®ZNL. Provides all the information specific to RF measurements in the Spectrum application. All other operating modes and applications are described in the specific application manuals.
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®ZNL I/Q Analyzer; Describes the specific functions of the application, and I/Q input interfaces, including related remote control commands with programming examples.
Procedimientos de seguridad del instrumento para el R&S®ZNL
I am using the I/O Logging function to write all remote commands sent to the ZNL(E) to file. But I can not find any logging file in the path mentioned in the manual: C:\ProgramData\Rohde-Schwarz\ZNL-FPL\ScpiLogging