Key Facts
- Frequency range: up to 26.5 GHz
- Easy to configure
- Supports full crossbar measurements
- Easy setup with the R&S®ZNA; R&S®ZNB; R&S®ZNBT; R&S®ZND
- Remote control: LAN, USB, direct control interface, BNC trigger
Key Facts
R&S®ZN-Z8x switch matrices are designed and optimized for Rohde & Schwarz vector network analyzers. They offer a comprehensive, cost-effective total solutions for simple to complex measurement tasks on multiport or multiple devices. The switch matrices cover wide frequency ranges and provide configurable port count expansion options. Other features include full crossbar, hardware triggering, automatic test port assignment, easy adaptation, complementary R&S®ZN‑Z8X toolbox software and more. Several switch matrix accessories are also available for convenient and successful integration. Rohde & Schwarz switch matrices are robust and reliable, making sure you are well prepared for any measurements that your next task demands.
Quick Links
Cost-effective multiport extension
Rohde & Schwarz switch matrices are used in many applications. Typical applications include the design, validation and production of antenna arrays, data converter interfaces, RF components and more. R&S®ZN-Z8x switch matrices cover wide frequency ranges and come with a modular port expansion concept. Matrix models such as the R&S®ZN-Z86 and the R&S®ZN-Z86X support frequency ranges up to 26.5 GHz with optional extensions for 24 outputs. Cascading two R&S®ZN-Z84 or R&S®ZN-Z86 switch matrices increases the test port count to 48 ports. The switch matrices can even be used in combination with a true multiport VNA such as the R&S®ZNBT to dramatically increase the number of test ports and enable parallel testing.
Improves efficiency and performance
Users can select and adapt optimum configurations for low insertion loss, maximum accuracy and a high port counts with Rohde & Schwarz vector network analyzers and switch matrices.
Easy setup, easy configuration
R&S®ZN-Z8x switch matrices are designed and optimized for use with Rohde & Schwarz VNAs. The switch matrices are simple to setup and come nearly ready to measure out of the box.
Enables advanced automation
All R&S®ZN-Z86 and R&S®ZN-Z86X switch matrices come with hardware trigger capabilities. The key benefits of the trigger functions include:
Convenient, saves time and effort.
The R&S®ZN-Z8X Toolbox software helps users to getting-started, device monitoring, firmware updates and manual switching of defined routes of the connected switch matrix.
3 E's calibration with multiport calibration unit
The calibration concept focuses on the 3 E's – easy, efficient and error-free.
Order Number 1319.4969.22
Additional test ports 7 to 12, 2 VNA ports to 12 test ports
The R&S®ZN-Z84 base unit is a prerequisite.
Order Number 1319.4969.24
Additional test ports 7 to 12, 4 VNA ports to 12 test ports
The R&S®ZN-Z84 base unit is a prerequisite.
Order Number 1319.4969.32
Additional test ports 13 to 18, 2 VNA ports to 18 test ports
The R&S®ZN-Z84 base unit and R&S®ZN-Z84-B22 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1319.4969.34
Additional test ports 13 to 18, 4 VNA ports to 18 test ports
The R&S®ZN-Z84 base unit and R&S®ZN-Z84-B24 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1319.4969.42
Additional test ports 19 to 24, 2 VNA ports to 24 test ports
The R&S®ZN-Z84 base unit and the R&S®ZN-Z84-B32 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1319.4969.44
Additional test ports 19 to 24, 4 VNA ports to 24 test ports
The R&S®ZN-Z84 base unit and the R&S®ZN-Z84-B34 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1326.4831.26
Additional test ports 7 to 12, 4 VNA ports to 12 ports
Order Number 1351.2900.22
Additional 7 to 12 test ports, 2 VNA ports to 12 test ports.
R&S®ZN-Z86 base unit is a prerequisite.
Order Number 1351.2900.24
Additional 7 to 12 test ports, 4 VNA ports to 12 test ports.
R&S®ZN-Z86 base unit is a prerequisite.
Order Number 1351.2900.32
Additional 13 to 18 test ports, 2 VNA ports to 18 test ports.
R&S®ZN-Z86 base unit and R&S®ZN-Z86-B22 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1351.2900.34
Additional 13 to 18 test ports, 4 VNA ports to 18 test ports.
R&S®ZN-Z86 base unit and R&S®ZN-Z86-B24 base are prerequisites.
Order Number 1351.2900.42
Additional 19 to 24 test ports, 2 VNA ports to 24 test ports.
The R&S®ZN-Z86 base unit and the R&S®ZN-Z86-B32 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1351.2900.44
Additional 19 to 24 test ports, 4 VNA ports to 24 test ports.
The R&S®ZN-Z86 base unit and the R&S®ZN-Z86-B34 are prerequisites.
Order Number 1351.2222.24
Extends 2 or 4 VNA ports to 12 test ports.
R&S®ZN-Z86X base unit is a prerequisite.
Order Number 1351.2222.44
Extends 2 or 4 VNA ports to 24 test ports.
R&S®ZN-Z86X base unit is a prerequisite.
Order Number 1175.3010.00
19" Rack Adapter
For mounting a 19" housing 2 RU high in a standard 19" rack
Order Number 1177.8803.00
19’’ rack adapter for devices with 2 height units
Order Number 1177.8810.00
19" rack adapter for 3 HU model
Order Number 1351.3906.02
Base unit extension box, 2 HU
For R&S®ZN-Z84/5/6 switch matrix, benchtop operation
Order Number 1351.3906.03
Base unit extension box, 3 HU
For R&S®ZN-Z86X switch matrix, benchtop operation
Order Number 1323.9290.00
Direct control cable
Order Number 1326.6605.02
Semi-rigid cables N (m) - 3.5 mm (m)
Connects two 2-to-24 port R&S®ZN-Z84 units to a four-port R&S®ZNB4/8
Order Number 1328.8905.02
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the R&S®ZNA26/43 and R&S®ZN-Z86, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1328.8905.03
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the R&S®ZNA26/43 and the R&S®ZN-Z86X, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1328.8911.02
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the R&S®ZNB26/43 and R&S®ZN-Z86, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1328.8911.03
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the R&S®ZNB26/43 and the R&S®ZN-Z86X, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1328.8911.05
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
Connects two units of 2-to-24 ports R&S®ZN-Z86 to a four-port R&S®ZNB26/43
Order Number 1328.8928.02
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the R&S®ZNBT26/40 and the R&S®ZN-Z86, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1328.8928.03
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) -2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the R&S®ZNBT26/40 and the R&S®ZN-Z86X, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1339.4006.02
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the 2-port R&S®ZNA26/43 with a 6 or 12 port R&S®ZN-Z85 switch matrix, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1339.4006.03
Semi-rigid cables 1.85 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between the 2-port R&S®ZNA50/67 with a 6 or 12-port R&S®ZN-Z85 switch matrix, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1339.4006.04
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between a 4 port R&S®ZNA26/43 with a 6 port R&S®ZN-Z85 switch matrix, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1339.4006.05
Semi-rigid cables 1.85 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between a 4 port R&S®ZNA50/67 with a 6 port R&S®ZN-Z85 switch matrix, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1339.4006.06
Semi-rigid cables 2.92 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between 4 port R&S®ZNA26/43 with a 12 port R&S®ZN-Z85 switch matrix, benchtop operation.
Order Number 1339.4006.07
Semi-rigid cables 1.85 mm (f) to 2.92 mm (m)
RF cable set for interconnection between a 4 port R&S®ZNA50/67 with a 12 port R&S®ZN-Z85 switch matrix, benchtop operation.
Manufacturer's recommended retail price (MSRP). The price shown does not include VAT. Prices and offers are only intended for entrepreneurs and not for private end consumers.
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Términos y condiciones del sorteo de premios con motivo del 10° aniversario de los osciloscopios de Rohde & Schwarz
1. El sorteo «10 años de osciloscopios de Rohde & Schwarz» (en adelante el «sorteo») está organizado por Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Múnich, Alemania, tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (en adelante «R&S»).
2. Todos los participantes pueden inscribirse en el sorteo entre el 1 de enero de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020 indicando su nombre, el nombre de su compañía y la dirección de correo electrónico empresarial.
3. La participación es gratuita y no está vinculada a la compra de bienes o servicios.
4. El sorteo está destinado únicamente a personas jurídicas, y solamente las personas jurídicas tienen facultad para recibir los premios. No está permitida la participación de una persona individual en su propio nombre y cuenta, sino que deberá hacerlo como representante de una persona jurídica rellenando el formulario de participación en nombre y por cuenta de dicha persona jurídica.
5. Los participantes pueden ganar uno de los 10 R&S®RTB2000 sorteados en el periodo entre el 1 de enero de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020:
Premio: 1 osciloscopio digital R&S®RTB2000
6. El sorteo se celebra en la sede central de R&S, Muehldorstrasse 15, 81671 Múnich (Alemania). Los ganadores de los premios serán informados por correo electrónico en un plazo de cinco (5) días laborables.
7. El representante autorizado de la persona jurídica deberá notificar a R&S que acepta el premio. En caso de denegar la aceptación o de no obtenerse respuesta en un plazo de dos (2) semanas, se sorteará un nuevo ganador. Si no puede determinarse un ganador en un espacio de cuatro (4) semanas, el sorteo se dará por finalizado y el premio se dará por perdido.
8. Los empleados de R&S, sus familiares, así como cualquier persona que esté implicada en el proceso del sorteo y sus familiares quedan excluidos de rellenar el formulario de participación.
9. No está permitido abonar el equivalente en metálico ni intercambiar los premios. Los premios son intransferibles. Todos los impuestos, gravámenes, tasas de aduana, cuotas y otros pagos exigidos en el país del participante correrán a cargo del participante.
10. Los datos personales se procesarán exclusivamente para los fines de este sorteo de premios y se eliminarán cuatro (4) semanas después de finalizar el mismo, salvo otro acuerdo.
11. R&S se reserva el derecho de descalificar del concurso a cualquier participante que no cumpla los presentes términos y condiciones. En estos casos, los premios también podrán retirarse con efecto retroactivo. En caso de retirarse un premio con efecto retroactivo como consecuencia del incumplimiento de los presentes términos y condiciones, el respectivo participante deberá devolverlo, corriendo con los gastos correspondientes, a la dirección de R&S indicada en el punto 1, y se sorteará un nuevo ganador.
12. Los participantes no tienen derecho a reclamar los premios de este sorteo, ni está previsto ningún recurso legal a este respecto.
13. El sorteo, y cualquier relación contractual que se derive del mismo entre R&S y el respectivo participante, se regirán e interpretarán según la legislación de Alemania, excluyendo todo recurso por conflictos de leyes. Los tribunales de Múnich, Alemania, tendrán la competencia exclusiva en caso de cualquier litigio relacionado directa o indirectamente con la participación en este concurso.
* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.