35 Results
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications. R&S®VISA also includes a trace tool that simultaneously monitors communications between multiple applications and T&M instruments, and permits targeted analysis with the aid of efficient filters.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
This application note proposes a digital level shifter for connecting the I2S interfaces R&S®UPP-B2 and R&S®UPV-B41 to devices under test with a logic voltage different from 3.3 V.
27-Mar-2020 | AN-No. 1GA71
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control Using R&S®Forum Application for Instrument Remote Control 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
This application note provides software and instructions for a simple check of the acoustic performance of mobile phones. It targets mainly service centers and repair workshops which have to perform incoming tests of defective mobile phones and final tests of repaired mobiles. A focus is set on short test times and ease of use, without compromising accuracy and repeatability of results.
14-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1GA69
This application note provides an application program and instructions for performing speech quality tests and delay measurements in a live network, using the R&S®UPV audio analyzer.
14-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1GA68
This application note provides an application program for the audio analyzer R&S®UPV which calculates and displays the loudness of non-stationary sounds according to ISO 532-1 (Zwicker method). The theoretic background of the evaluation method is briefly explained.
14-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1GA67
This application note outlines two different approaches for remote-controlling Rohde & Schwarz instruments out of MathWorks MATLAB:The first one uses VISA connection and direct SCPI commands.The second approach takes advantage of Rohde & Schwarz VXI plug&play instrument drivers and MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox.
12-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA171
A large variety of measurements is performed in audio engineering in order to ensure transmission quality of analog and digital devices. An audio analyzer suitable for all these tasks will, therefore, incorporate a multitude of functions, resulting in a correspondingly large number of settings.This application note is to help test engineers using the R&S®UPP and R&S®UPV audio analyzers. It presents setting examples for all basic audio measurements to be performed immediately. For each setup, information is given on the type of measurement, the underlying standards, and on how to modify the graphic display results.
07-Jul-2014 | AN-No. 1GA64
Software tools allow to make the control of T&M instruments more convenient. The adoption of the following tools for Windows®-based T&M instruments is described: ● Synergy:One mouse and one keyboard control a group of T&M instruments ● CamStudio:Video clips of the display of a T&M instrumentare recorded during operation
13-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1MA218
This document describes how a Windows®-based R&S® T&M instrument is remotely operated by an Apple iPad as if working on it locally. Step-by-step procedures are provided for setting up and configuring the T&M instrument and the iPad. On the iPad, a special App implements the Windows® 'Remote Desktop' functionality. T&M instrument and iPad are connected via WLAN (also denoted as Wi-Fi network).
28-Mar-2013 | AN-No. 1MA216
The aim of this application note is to provide information regarding Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. This paper shall help application engineers and software developers to easily get an understanding of advanced techniques to develop test and measurement (T&M) applications by utilizing Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. Furthermore the nomenclature used for Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers will be explained.
01-Jan-2013 | AN-No. 1MA153
The use of Rohde & Schwarz device drivers under VEE software is not complicated. However, a number of factors are involved, the errors that occur are often difficult to diagnose. This application provides easy and detailed support for installation and troubleshooting using National Instruments or Agilent GPIB boards.
20-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA035
This application note explains how to use acoustic calibrations in order to be able to enter or read sound pressure level directly in the Audio Analyzer R&S® UPV. An application program is described which performs the necessary measurements for the calibration of microphones and loudspeakers, manages the calibration values and enters them into any appropriate user defined setup.
11-Oct-2012 | AN-No. 1GA47
Rohde & Schwarz recognizes the potential risk of computer virus infection when connecting Windows®-based test instrumentation to other computers via local area networks (LANs), or using removable storage devices. This white paper introduces measures to minimize malware threats and discusses ways to mitigate risks while insuring that instrument performance is not compromised. The paper discusses the use of anti-virus software, with recommended configuration settings. It also outlines how to keep the Windows® XP operating system properly updated through regular installation of OS patches.
04-Oct-2012 | AN-No. 1EF73
Most application notes for audio analyzer R&S® UPV include an application program which runs locally using the universal sequence controller option UPV-K1. This application note explains how sequence control programs can be modified to run on a remote PC using remote control option UPV-K4.
30-Jun-2012 | AN-No. 1GA60
This application note describes how measurement results can be logged over time in the audio analyzer R&S® UPV. A Visual Basic.NET application program is included which stores results to ASCII files.
29-Jun-2012 | AN-No. 1GA59
Recent mobile test methods could not evaluate the quality of data reduced speech signals with different coded and decoded signals. The Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) provides the solution for this measuring problem. WCDMA PESQ is an add-on tool for CMUgo for automatic measurement of the PESQ for WCDMA mobile phones according to recommendation ITU-T P.862.1 featuring selectable fading profiles and variable Additional White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
05-Jan-2012 | AN-No. 1MA137
Recent mobile test methods could not evaluate the quality of data reduced speech signals with different coded and decoded signals. The Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) provides the solution for this measuring problem. GSM PESQ is an add-on tool for CMUgo for automatic measurement of the PESQ for GSM mobile phones according to recommendation ITU-T P.862.1 featuring selectable fading profiles, frequency hopping sequences and variable Additional White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
05-Jan-2012 | AN-No. 1MA119
Recent mobile test methods could not evaluate the quality of data reduced speech signals with different coded and decoded signals. The Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) provides the solution for this measuring problem. CDMA2000 PESQ is an add-on tool for CMUgo for automatic measurement of the PESQ for CDMA2000 mobile phones according to recommendation ITU-T P.862.1 featuring selectable fading profiles and variable Additional White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
05-Jan-2012 | AN-No. 1MA136
This application note provides a tool for printing a report about measurement results on the audio analyzer R&S® UPV. The executable can be freely configured to include any result graphs and figures into the report. In addition it is an application example for a class library which can be included into custom application programs to add a printing function.
18-Jul-2011 | AN-No. 1GA57
This application note provides a program which allows to record total harmonic distortion, single harmonic distortion factors and level with one generator sweep. The executable may be installed and used without caring about programming. The source code is provided as basis for custom modifications.
16-Jul-2011 | AN-No. 1GA56
This application note investigates and discusses the influence of wideband noise on harmonic distortion measurements.
06-Jul-2011 | AN-No. 1GA55
PESQ measurements employ a level adaptation algorithm and are hence widely insensitive to absolute level. However, if the tests are performed via a speech codec, the driving level of the codec has an influence on the MOS result. Therefore careful alignment of the level is required. This application note provides an application program which runs on the Audio Analyzer R&S UPV or R&S UPV66 and can be used to calibrate signal levels for the PESQ measurement.
30-Jun-2011 | AN-No. 1GA50
This white paper summarizes the technology options for supporting voice and short message service (SMS) in LTE, including circuit switched fallback (CSFB), SMS over SGs, and voice over LTE (VoLTE).
11-May-2011 | AN-No. 1MA197
This Application Note describes how the R&S® UPV and R&S® UPP200 audio analyzers can be used to replace the obsolete Agilent model 8903B audio analyzer in remote control applications.
24-Nov-2010 | AN-No. 1GA54
This application note describes how to generate the noise field for ambient noise rejection tests according to 3GPP TS 26.132, sections 7.9 and 8.9.
12-Oct-2010 | AN-No. 1GA51
Application program and documentation for averaging of 1/n octave spectra on the audio analyzer UPV.
19-Jul-2010 | AN-No. 1GA52
Application program with documentation for sending a sequence of logged SCPI commands to the firmware of the R&S® Audio Analyzer UPV.
19-Jul-2010 | AN-No. 1GA53
This application note explains how to use the Audio Analyzer R&S UPV for measurements of maximum sound pressure level of headphones according to EN50332. It is possible to measure a combination of music player / FM receiver and headphones, the maximum output voltage of a player / FM receiver alone or the wideband characteristic voltage of headphones alone. An application program is available for download as installer file and as VB.NET project.
17-Jun-2009 | AN-No. 1GA48
This application note gives background information about the psychoacoustic measurements PESQ® (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) and PEAQ® (Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality). It also describes how to perform these measurements using the Rohde & Schwarz Audio Analyzer.
03-Apr-2009 | AN-No. 1GA49
This application note describes how to test audio amplifier audio characteristic using the audio analyzer R&S® UPV in accordance with standard IEC 60268-3. The test items include gain, frequency response, harmonic distortion, modulation distortion, difference-tone intermodulation, dynamic intermodulation distortion, noise and cross-talk. The test items are explained and the test steps are described in detail.
13-Feb-2008 | AN-No. RCS0704-0032
Rohde & Schwarz instruments can be shared when users wish to use the same instrument. This can be done quite easily with the LAN interface, which comes as a standard option. Through this interface, Rohde & Schwarz instruments can be connected directly to a network, and users with access to the network can manually operate the instrument from a remote computer. This Application Note lists all instruments that support these features and describes the steps necessary to set up and configure the network connection to operate these instruments remotely.
05-Jul-2007 | AN-No. RAC-0703-0029
Play-only devices like CD- or MP3 players cannot be measured as traditional 4-pole devices. Therefore traditional transfer function measurements using the generator part of the audio analyzer are not possible. Those devices are tested with a pre-recorded test signal available as wav or MP3 file. This application note describes a fast test together with a setup and an executable which runs the test and displays the desired results. The test signal is provided as a linear coded wav file. This file can easily be coded into MP3 format using any commercially available or public domain wave editors or ripper programs. The test can also be executed by IEEE control and all results can be read out by IEEE commands.
28-Jun-2007 | AN-No. 1GA46
This Application Note presents a program which combines FM tuner measurements to form automatically running sequences in line with DIN EN60315-4. It is an extension of Application Note 1GA43 and can be used with the Generator R&S SML and the Audio Analyzer R&S UPV or UPL.
15-Dec-2006 | AN-No. RAC-0502-0012