8 Results
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications. R&S®VISA also includes a trace tool that simultaneously monitors communications between multiple applications and T&M instruments, and permits targeted analysis with the aid of efficient filters.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control Using R&S®Forum Application for Instrument Remote Control 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
This application note outlines two different approaches for remote-controlling Rohde & Schwarz instruments out of MathWorks MATLAB:The first one uses VISA connection and direct SCPI commands.The second approach takes advantage of Rohde & Schwarz VXI plug&play instrument drivers and MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox.
12-Jun-2017 | AN-No. 1MA171
This Application Note gives 10 useful Tips & Tricks for the users of Rohde & Schwarz attribute-based instrument drivers. It is recommended for the first-time LabVIEW users as well as for the experienced programmers.
30-Jan-2017 | AN-No. 1MA228
This application note introduces the IVI High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) and outlines its features. HiSLIP is the successor to the VXI-11 LAN remote control protocol. This document also describes guidelines for using this protocol.
12-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1MA208
This application note provides hints for implementing remote control programs using Rohde & Schwarz spectrum and network analyzers. The document makes suggestions for improved remote control performance and describes aspects of measurement synchronization in detail. Finally the document discusses some typical challenges of remote control in production test.
19-Aug-2014 | AN-No. 1EF62
The aim of this application note is to provide information regarding Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. This paper shall help application engineers and software developers to easily get an understanding of advanced techniques to develop test and measurement (T&M) applications by utilizing Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. Furthermore the nomenclature used for Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers will be explained.
01-Jan-2013 | AN-No. 1MA153
This white paper introduces a novel attribute based architecture for VXIplug&play instrument drivers. The presented architecture uses the attribute based concept of IVI-C instrument drivers to introduce a two-layer design for VXIplug&play instrument drivers. Moreover the use of attributes is shown for the Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer (rsspecan) instrument driver.
01-Dec-2012 | AN-No. 1MA170