12 Results
How to remote-control the UPV via RS-232-C? UPV, How to remote-control the UPV via RS-232-C? How to remote-control the UPV via RS-232-C? UPV, How to remote-control the UPV via RS-232-C?
English (PD 5214.5878.92)
Can I measure group delay of an Audio ADC or DAC with my UPP / UPV? FAQ, UPP,UPV, DAC, ADC Can I measure group delay of an Audio ADC or DAC with my UPP / UPV? Can I measure group delay of an Audio ADC or DAC with my UPP / UPV? FAQ, UPP,UPV, DAC, ADC Can I measure group delay of an Audio ADC or DAC with my UPP / UPV?
The newly installed UPV-B42 option does not work. What could be wrong? UPV, The newly installed UPV-B42 option does not work. What could be wrong? The newly installed UPV-B42 option does not work. What could be wrong? UPV, The newly installed UPV-B42 option does not work. What could be wrong?
English (PD 5214.5032.92)
Testing secure radios | Tests pour radios sécurisées - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
Change step size from linear to logarithmic UPV, Change step size from linear to logarithmic Change step size from linear to logarithmic UPV, Change step size from linear to logarithmic
Meaning of 0dBFS and 0dBr UPV, UPL, UPD, Meaning of 0dBFS and 0dBr Meaning of 0dBFS and 0dBr UPV, UPL, UPD, Meaning of 0dBFS and 0dBr
print of black trace with white background? UPV, print of black trace with white background? print of black trace with white background? UPV, print of black trace with white background?
Execution of Audio Script with CMWRun fails because of missing UE calibration files CMWrun, CMW500, UPV, Audio Test, mobile_in.ccl, mobile_out.ccl, UPV_UserEquipmentCalibration When starting MOS audio quality measurments with CMWRun connected to a CMW communication tester and an UPV audio analyzer, a failure message occurs that the calibration files "mobile_in.ccl" and "mobile_out.ccl" can not be found