5 Résultats
Technical specifications of the R&S®Pulse Sequencer Software options for the R&S®SMW200A, R&S®SMM100A, R&S®SMBV100A, R&S®SMBV100B, R&S®SGT100A, R&S®SMU200A, R&S®SMJ100A signal generators from Rohde & Schwarz.
Difference between standard and DFS version of Pulse Sequencer software SMW200A, SMBv100B, pulse sequencer, DFS, K350, DFS version of pulse sequencer software What are the differences between standard and DFS version of Pulse Sequencer software? Difference between standard and DFS version of Pulse Sequencer software SMW200A, SMBv100B, pulse sequencer, DFS, K350, DFS version of pulse sequencer software
R&S®Pulse Sequencer Powerful radar signal simulation software - Fact Sheet Brochures et fiches techniques
Testing radar warning equipment in realistic scenarios is crucial to reliable field performance. This typically involved dedicated instruments or test systems. Commercial vector signal generators (VSG) such as the R&S®SMW200A from Rohde & Schwarz have become a very attractive alternative thanks to their increased available bandwidth and processing power.
Introducing the R&S®Pulse Sequencer software