The R&S®ZNB offers a unique DUT-centric operation concept. This puts the DUT with its characteristics in the middle and helps you in setting up the measurement.
For maximum accuracy in characterizing various components with fixtures, the R&S®ZNB has several industry standard de-embedding tools integrated in the R&S®ZNB Firmware
R&S®ZNB: solid performance for general purpose applications
A typical measurement task is presented, and how it can be easily accomplished with R&S®ZNB Vector Network Analyzers. The R&S®ZNB vector network analyzer offers solid RF performance for everyday needs.
True multiport measurements up to 20 GHz with the R&S®ZNBT20
The R&S®ZNBT is a true multiport vector network analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz. It can be used for testing complex multiport devices or multiple devices under test in parallel.
This video demonstrates testing multiple devices in parallel using a true multiport analyzer and shows the advantages compared to a switched matrix solution, including a significant reduction in measurement time.