Configuring Closed-Loop Power Control on the SMA100B
Learn how to configure and use closed-loop power control on Rohde & Schwarz analog and vector signal generators based on the example of the R&S®SMA100B .
R&S®SMW200A - RF Ports Alignment - Getting Started
This video shows how to set up R&S®SMW200A vector signal generators and use the RF Ports Alignment option SMW-K545 together with the RFPAL PC software to generate multiple signals that are aligned in amplitude, delay and phase at the input of a multi-port DUT.
Angle of Arrival Simulation for Multi-Channel Receivers
This video shows how to define a Direction Finding scenario in the R&S®Pulse Sequencer software and how to replay the scenario on a 4 channel R&S®SMW200A setup that has been aligned in terms of amplitude, delay and phase.
Radar engineering, data converter testing, base station blocking tests - all of them require signals with lowest phase noise at the relevant offset frequencies.
R&S®SMA100B – High dynamic uninterrupted level sweep
This video shows how to profit from the high dynamic uninterrupted level sweep feature of the Rohde & Schwarz ® SMA100B for measuring gain transfer curves of amplifiers.
Clock and LO components in 5G base stations (part 2/3)
Learn how to verify the performance of RF sampling clock generator / jitter attenuator with low noise signal generator and high-performance oscilloscope.