37 Results
O-RAN makes radio access networks more open, disaggregated and flexible. O-RUs need to comply with 3GPP and O-RAN standards. Automation is crucial for extensive O-RAN conformance testing since O-RAN network elements are asynchronously released.
Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is a pillar of 6G. Combining two different yet similar worlds – communications and environmental sensing – brings the future to life in the 6G era. The key ISAC drivers are beamforming with MIMO arrays, artificial intelligence (AI), modern modulation schemes and dense network infrastructure. The R&S®AREG800A automotive radar echo generator is a core element of a versatile research and development test solution in the ISAC community.
Automotive radar is vital to the advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that will help achieve Net Zero (zero accidents, zero fatalities) targets in the automobile industry. In a driving environment, radar sensors must detect real objects even when there is interference. The R&S®AREG800A automotive radar echo generator is essential to any solution that tests radar sensor immunity to interference.
The R&S®RF Ports Alignment Software together with the R&S®SMW-K545 option provides a standard and tailored solution for calibrating and aligning the amplitude, group delay and phase between the RF ports of multiple coupled dual-path or single-path R&S®SMW200A vector signal generators. In addition, the R&S®Pulse Sequencer Software supports users to calculate the required signals for interferometric direction finding (DF) test cases. The R&S®SMW200A signal generator hardware together with the aforementioned software packages enables precise angle of arrival (AoA) simulation for testing the true performance of interferometric direction finders or emitter location systems.
RF performance measurements for Wi-Fi 7.
The test case wizard enables the signal generator to set up all required parameters for conformance testing of 5G NR base stations in no time with just a few clicks.
Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) bridges the gap between communications systems and classic radar systems. Despite the increasing capabilities of mobile communications, SSR remains a major component in airspace surveillance. State-of-the-art methods such as Mode S reply enhance SSR with broadcast-like capabilities and enable airports in remote locations to surveil the airspace even if no radar is available. More advanced techniques such as automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) utilize the infrastructure provided by a Mode S reply transponder to provide even more information for ground control and other aircraft.
The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator can take on the role of a powerful and flexible signal generation source for the most realistic and agile radar scenarios in highly integrated radar scenario simulators. Equipped with the R&S®SMW-K503/-K504 options, the R&S®SMW200A can generate any stateof-the-art and future I/Q modulated radar signals from streamed pulse descriptor words (PDW). It supports a PDW execution rate of up to 12 megapulse descriptor words per second (MPDW/s).
Verify and optimize your product design under realistic fading conditions in a deterministic lab environment that allows repeatable measurements using standardized and user-defined fading profiles.
Testing radar warning equipment in realistic scenarios is crucial to reliable field performance. This typically involved dedicated instruments or test systems. Commercial vector signal generators (VSG) such as the R&S®SMW200A from Rohde & Schwarz have become a very attractive alternative thanks to their increased available bandwidth and processing power.
The required bandwidth span for power amplifiers is growing, driven by the latest 5G and satellite enhancements.Ideally, amplifiers support multiple bands. This makes wideband testing more essential than ever before.
With the R&S®Pulse Sequencer radar simulation software, users can easily and intuitively create scenarios for simulation of angle of arrival (AoA). Together with multiple coupled R&S®SMW200A vector signal generators, this solution allows quick and thorough performance characterization of all types of direction finding equipment such as devices that use amplitude comparison, interferometric or time difference of arrival (TDOA) techniques. This document describes our test solution for testing devices that use amplitude comparison techniques.
The hardware-in-the-loop options for the R&S®SMBV100B and the R&S®SMW200A GNSS simulators enable realistic, cost-efficient and flexible testing in a user-controlled environment.
Frequency allocation plans are under discussion in the US and Europe to open the lower C band for 5G applications. This portion of the spectrum provides 5G with more bandwidth than conventional lower mobile frequency bands and is contiguous while the C band is actually in use for satellite downlinks to satellite earth stations (SES).
The R&S®SMW200A GNSS simulator offers an easy and convenient way to test your receiver design against a wide variety of potential interferers and jammers. Test cases extend from simple coexistence simulations to complex interference scenarios with localized emitters.
An ever-increasing requirement for data on mobile networks, driven by a myriad of applications from HD video on the move to autonomous vehicles and Industrial IOT, means a part of the new 5G network is to be deployed at mmWave frequencies, with a 26 GHz pioneer band defined for the UK between 24.25 - 27.5 GHz.This near 10-fold increase in frequency over 4G networks opens several challenges, both in the design and implementation of the required sub-components, network infrastructure and end user equipment, and in parallel in the test and measurement approaches used to drive these developments.In this presentation, we will introduce some of the main challenges in test and measurement of a device at these frequencies. We will then present the testing of a 26-28GHz pioneer band dual channel amplifier evaluation module using 5G NR test waveforms.
The R&S®Pulse Sequencer software together with the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator offers a simple and easy way to simulate multi-emitter environments. It enables engineers to validate and verify the EW receiver performance.
The R&S®Pulse Sequencer software offers an easy way to simulate moving radar emitters and a moving receiver for EW receiver tests. The software together with the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator is a powerful radar simulator. It enables engineers to generate highly dynamic 3D scenarios in the lab.
Simultaneous simulation of all important constellations and frequency bands makes the GNSS simulator in the R&S®SMW200A the perfect solution for testing your GNSS receiver in the lab.
Speed up development, verify best performance and start up series production with confidence. Doherty designs achieve high efficiency, greater linearity and increased output power. Get deep insight into your design with a dual-path, precisely synchronized source driving the Doherty amplifier and improve your yield.
The OneWeb satellite constellation provides global broadband data access to almost every user. Via user terminals, the satellite connects the remote users to the ground station, which has access to the terrestrial broadband network. Receivers and RF equipment in the OneWeb ground stations and the user terminals need to handle high-speed microwave data links.
The R&S®Pulse Sequencer software offers an interface to import lists of pulse descriptor words (PDW). Users can define their specific PDW format in the software before importing the PDW list. The R&S®Pulse Sequencer software automatically uploads the interpreted PDW lists on the R&S®SMW200A to generate the most agile radar signals.
In car-to-car communications scenarios, fading is always present and has an enormous impact on the received signal. The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator lets you perform the most accurate and reproducible receiver tests under car-to-car fading conditions. The required car-to-car radio channel models have been extracted from real field trials and specified by the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. Now it is possible to verify receiver performance under controlled conditions in the lab.
Its excellent realtime baseband performance in combination with its ability to easily import the scattering parameters of an active/passive twoport interconnection network via s2p-files make the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator ideal for high-precision RF and microwave tests requiring deembedding of the device under test (DUT).
The R&S®Pulse Sequencer software offers a powerful mechanism to model sequences that are often required for meaningful radar receiver test cases. The sequences can consist of many individual elements, such as pulses defined by the software or imported waveform segments. The software’s powerful interpulse modulation mechanism gives the user full control of each single element.
The R&S®Pulse Sequencer software together with any Rohde & Schwarz vector signal generator offers an easy and convenient way to generate pulses. For the first time, one package helps you define all the test cases you need in the lab for your entire product development cycle. Test cases extend from simple pulse scenarios for initial component testing to complex 3D radar emitters for acceptance testing of complete systems.
To simulate radar scenarios with frequency and level agility with high pulse density and long playtime, engineers can take advantage of the real-time sequencing capability of the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator.
Its dual-path concept plus its ability to duplicate baseband signals make the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator ideal for efficient GSM/EDGE AMsuppression conformance testing.
SMW200A, SMZ90, Pulse Sequencer software, vector signal generator, frequency multiplier, Automotive radar sensors, Testing automotive radars Testing automotive radars against norm interferers; The R&S ® Pulse Sequencer software simulates arbitrary RF environments and supports the generation of radar norm interferers to test automotive radars operating in the 24 GHz, 77 GHz and 79 GHz frequency band
The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator with the R&S®SMW-K78 radar echo generation option tests L-/S-/X-/Ku-band radars up to 40 GHz RF frequency more flexibly than ever before. Since it allows the object range, radial velocity and radar cross section (RCS) of radar echo signals to be configured, it is ideal for radar development, maintenance and training.
Reliable testing of HARQ feedback and UL timing adjustment on LTE eNBs with the R&S®SMW200A simplifies eNB performance testing and eliminates the need for test UEs
The R&S®SMW200A signal generator together with the R&S®Pulse Sequencer software simplifies signal generation for multi-emitter environments.
The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator combined with the R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer offers fast and simple power amplifier testing including envelope tracking and digital predistortion, effectively replacing complex test setups.
The advanced generation capabilities of the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator simplify receiver testing up to 20 GHz by removing the need for multiple signal generators. This single-box solution brings the real world into your lab.
Its dual-path concept and high-power signal generation up to 20 GHz make the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator ideal for efficient testing of blocking characteristics
Offering bandwidths up to 160 MHz, the signal generators and analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz are ideal for testing IEEE 802.11ac signals