Following the data sheet and the technical data in the manual (Chapter 11 in V05) a sample rate of 500 kHz is the base for all the measurements.
However it will not be possible to collect enough information on typical AC power measurements with only reading one sample.
Taking a deeper look into the logging function, some of the desired information is displayed either in the user manual or in the SCPI programmers manual.
- The minimum logging interval time is 100 ms (= 10 Hz)
- The U and I data contains RMS values (integrated over 100 ms with a sample rate of 500 khz) as standard when requesting the data of the first measurement window. However it is possible to request some other values in addition or instead.
All in all the acquired data is a question of the instrument's preparation / initialization before beginning a measurement:
The command "CHANnel<n>:MEASurement:DATA? [<m>] Queries the actual measurement value of all activated measurement cells or of a selected measurement cell.
There are four measurement windows with 6 cells each available.
The command to get the information about it's state is "VIEW:NUMeric:PAGE<n>:CELL<m>:FUNCtion?"
Where <n> is number of page (1...4)
and <m> is number of cell (1...6-10)
With functions
P Active power P (Watt)
S Apparent power S (VA)
Q Reactive power Q (var)
LAMBda Power factor λ (PF)
PHI Phase difference Φ ( ° )
FU Voltage frequency fU (V)
FI Current frequency fI (A)
URMS True rms voltage Urms (V)
UAVG Voltage average (V)
IRMS True rms current Irms (A)
IAVG Current average (A)
UTHD Total harmonic distortion of voltage Uthd (THD %)
ITHD Total harmonic distortion of current Ithd (THD %)
FPLL PLL source frequency fPLL (Hz)
TIME Integration time
WH Watt hour (Wh)
WHP Positive watt hour (Wh)
WHM Negative watt hour (Wh)
AH Ampere hour (Ah)
AHP Positive ampere hour (Ah)
AHM Negative ampere hour (Ah)
URANge Voltage range
IRANge Current range
EMPTy Empty cell
So this means that finally every desired calculated quantity can be requested using remote control and it's a question of configuration.
Please find an example Python script in the attachment of this mail showing how to initiate and perform a dedicated measurement using remote control.