Vector network analyzer accessories from Rohde & Schwarz

Vector network analyzer accessories

High-quality VNA accessories from Rohde & Schwarz

Ensure precise measurement conditions with top quality accessories

Achieving, maintaining and verifying maximum accuracy and reliability of a VNA test setup requires high-quality calibration and connection equipment. To enable this, Rohde & Schwarz provides leading-edge accessories for your VNA. These include not only two series of network analyzer test cables, but also electronic and inline calibration units for efficient, precise and user-friendly calibration. For even more detailed and complex calibration needs, and for performance analysis, we offer manual calibration and verification kits. Our switchable attenuators allow for a precise adjustment of the power levels in comprehensive setups, or other individual applications such as general source and receiver linearity calibration.

Electronic and inline calibration units
Product Name
Frequency range
Connector type
Number of ports
Electronic calibration units
Frequency range
9 kHz - 50 GHz
Connector type
3.5 mm (f), N(f), 3.5 mm (f), 2.92 mm (f), 2.4 mm (f)
Number of ports
2 or 4 ports
High-end series, mixed connector types available up to 8.5 GHz, 4 port models up to 40 GHz
Electronic calibration units
Frequency range
300 kHz - 20 GHz
Connector type
N (f), 3.5 mm (f)
Number of ports
2 to 8 ports
High-end series, calibration of 6/8 ports with a single calibration cycle. Besides: 2-port unit with 75 Ohm ports.
Electronic calibration units
Frequency range
100 kHz - 67 GHz
Connector type
SMA (f), N (f), 1.85mm(f)
Number of ports
2 to 24 ports
Economy series, calibration of 2 ports up to 67 GHz,  24 ports up to 8.5 GHz with a single calibration cycle
Inline calibration unit
Frequency range
10 MHz - 40 GHz
Connector type
SMA (f /m), 2.92 mm (f/m)
Number of ports
2 to 48 ports
Remote controlled calibration refresh without re-connection of calibration devices: For TVAC testing and automatic (multiport)  production setups
Electronic calibration units
Frequency range
5 kHz - 26.5 GHz
Connector type
3.5-compatible (m/f), N (m/f)
Number of ports
Economy series, calibration of two ports from 5 kHz to 26.5 GHz
Manual calibration and verification kits
Product Name
Frequency range
Connector type
Calibration standards
Calibration kits
Frequency range
DC to 110 GHz
Connector type
3.5 mm {f/m}, 2.92mm {f/m}, 2.4 mm {f/m}, 1.85mm {f/m}, 1.0 mm {f/m}
Calibration standards
Open, short, match, through male and female
High end
Calibration kits
Frequency range
DC to 18 GHz, 33 GHz
Connector type
N (f/m), 3.5 mm(f/m)
Calibration standards
Open, Short, Match, Through male /female each
High end accuracy with data based characterization data (individual S-parameters delivered with each kit) - Including torque wrench and open-end wrench
Calibration kits
Frequency range
DC up to 43.5 GHz
Connector type
N (f/m), 3.5mm (f/m) , 2.92mm (f/m)
Calibration standards
Open, Short, Match, Through
Compact unit
Separate versions for male or female kits
Calibration kits
Frequency range
DC to 3 GHz
Connector type
N (f/m)
Calibration standards
Open, Short, Match, Through
Both, male and female version in one kit
Version for 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm
Verification kits
Frequency range
45 MHz up to 50 GHz
Connector type
N (f/m), 3.5 mm(f/m), 2.9 mm(f/m), 2.4 mm(f/m)
Calibration standards
Offset Short (f and m), Mismatch (f and m), Attenuator (f to m), Stepped Through (f to m)
High-end, full VNA measurement uncertainty verification, 50 Ohm
Wave guide calibration kit
Frequency range
50 GHz to 750 GHz
Connector type
WR15 to WR02
Calibration standards
Match, short, offset short
Optional version including sliding match
Calibration mixer
Frequency range
10 MHz to 40 GHz
Connector type
2.92 mm
Calibration standards
For mixer phase measurements with R&S®ZNA
Switchable attenuators
Product Name
Frequency range
Connector type
Step attenuators
Frequency range
DC - 67 GHz
Connector type
N(f), 2.92mm (f), 1.85 mm (f)
0 dB to 139.9 dB / 0.1  to 5 dB steps
Switchable internal and external step attenuators with high attenuation accuracy and easy integration into automated test systems.
Test cables
Product Name
Frequency range
Connector types
Test cable
Frequency range
DC - 67 GHz
Connector types
N (m) , 3.5 mm (f/m), 2.92 mm (f/m), 2.4 mm (f/m), 1.85 mm (f/m)
635 mm (25 in) to 965 mm (38 in)
Test cables for precision measurements where high phase stability and high mechanical flexibility are required
Test cable
Frequency range
DC - 110 GHz
Connector types
N (m), N  75 Ω (m), 3.5 mm (f/m), 2.92 mm (f/m), 2.4 mm (f/m), 1.85 mm (f/m), 1.00 mm (f/m)
160 mm (6 in) to 1524 mm (16 in)
Semi rigid test cables mostly used for general-purpose applications
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    VNA accessories FAQ

    What is the difference between the R&S®ZV-Z9x and the R&S®ZV-Z19x test port cables series?

    Even if a VNA is of high quality, the connection to the DUT can be hampered by network analyzer test cables and connectors that compromise this quality. Rohde & Schwarz wants to ensure that the singal from its VNAs reaches the DUT without a loss of integrity or voltage. This is why we offer cables featuring rugged construction as well as excellent phase and amplitude stability. Both series, R&S®ZV-Z9x and R&S®ZV-Z19x stand for excellent RF quality: The focus of the R&S®ZV-Z9x cables lies in mechanical crush resistance of the cable body, stability of the connections, and very low spring back and positioning resistance. The R&S®ZV-Z19x cable series stand for a smart body combined with high-performing standard connectors.

    Should I choose an electronic calibration unit or a manual calibration kit?

    Electronic (automatic) calibration units apply automatically the following incorporated standards: open, short, match, (unknown) through. No manual connection of calibration standards is required. Thus, the automatic units are the most convenient and fastest way of calibration, and minimize operation errors such as mixing up standards during calibration, or poor connection reproducibility. Moreover, a number of test ports exceeding the number of cal-unit ports can be calibrated by repeated connection (eg. a two-port unit can calibrate a 4-port VNA, or even a 24-port mid-range R&S®ZNBT). On the other hand, the application is limited to the connector types and gender (except user supported re-characterization), and single standards are not available.

    Manual calibration kits are more flexible: with a single high-end kit, or two economy kits (male & female seperate), all male/female combinations are supported. Standards are available for one-path-two-port calibration, and completion with lines for TRL and other special calibration techniques is possible. Moreover, the standards can be used as auxiliary components, e.g. to terminate a test port or to have a through connection available.

    What are verification kits such as the R&S®ZV-Z4xx series used for?

    Even after a carefully carried out system error correction, the verification of the resulting accuracy is an important and justified aspect: e.g. aging of the calibration kit, limited reproducibility of the connections, and the actual test parameters may cause an uncertainty under real conditions, which is different from the typically idealized data sheet specificatons. However, as simple re-connection of the beforehand used calibration standards is misleading and just reveals the reproducibility of the calibration step - even severe calibration errors may remain hidden. A reliable uncertainty verification requires the additional measurement of known devices, with S-parameters different from the those of the calibration standards: This is enabled by the components included in the R&S®ZV-Z4xx verification kits. At the final stage, the verification procedure is supported by option R&S®ZNA-K50(P), presenting the measurement traces with the actual error bars.

    How do R&S®ZV-Z3xx inline calibration units work and what is the application?

    A VNA system error correction consists of connecting the calibration devices (manual kit standards or calibration unit) each time for calibration, and to disconnect them when the calibration step is completed. But there are application cases where no access to the reference plane is given, the most important ones are thermal vaccum chambers (TVAC): typically a calibration update is required after cooling down and evacuation. The solutions are InLine CalUnits, as they remain permanently connected in the reference plane, and a re-calibration can be initiated remote controlled on a key stroke.

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    Terms & Conditions of the Prize Draw 10 years Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes

    1. The prize draw “10 years Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes” (herein referred to as “Draw”) is organized by Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Munich, Germany, Tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (herein referred to as “R&S).

    2. All participators can register to the draw during January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020 with their name, company name and business e-mail.

    3. Participation is free of charge and not dependent on the purchase of goods or services.

    4. The draw is only open to legal entities and only the legal entities are able to win the prizes. An individual person is not allowed to participate on its own name and its own account but as a representative of a legal entity filing the participation form in the name of and on behalf of the legal entity.

    5. The prizes to win are 1 of 10 R&S®RTB2000 within the time frame January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020:

    Prize: 1x R&S®RTB2000 Digital Oscilloscope

    6. The draw takes place at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters, Muehldorstrasse 15, 81671 Munich. The winner of the prizes will be informed by e-mail within 5 (5) working days.

    7. The authorized representative of the legal entity shall inform Rohde & Schwarz about the acceptance of the price. In case of the denial of the acceptance, or no answer within two (2) weeks, a new winner will be drawn. If no winner can be determined within four (4) weeks, the draw ends and the prize forfeit.

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    * “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.