R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz

The next generation broadband remote radio heads

R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz
R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Hero view R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Side view R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Front Low R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Back low R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Back high R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Side view R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Side view R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Side view R&S®CMPHEAD50 Remote radio head 50 GHz, Front High


  • Full frequency range from 21.84 GHz to 50.2 GHz
  • Wide dynamic range with extra sensitive RX port
  • Dual LO for best RF quality in TX and RX
  • External local oscillator input ports to boost EVM
  • Integrated mmWave RF switch matrix

High performance mmWave converter for non-signaling applications

More dynamic range, full frequency coverage and excellent EVM performance

The R&S®CMPHEAD50 is the only remote radio head supporting bi-directional testing at five mmWave frequency bands with one hardware set and EVM booster ports. It extends the R&S®CMP200 radio communication tester to frequency range 2 (FR2/ FR2-1). The improved performance ensures optimum accuracy for testing next generation FR2 RF designs – from early development to final certification and regulatory compliance. Test with confidence and ensured RF performance with the latest state-of-the-art measurement solution from Rohde&Schwarz.


Full frequency range from 21.84 GHz to 50.2 GHz

Leading multi-band capabilities

The R&S®CMPHEAD50 is the only RRH that supports all 3GPP frequency bands in FR2-1 in combination with individual external local oscillator (LO) inputs for both RX and TX.

All FR2 frequency bands are covered

All FR2 frequency bands are covered

Wide dynamic range with low-noise RX port

Optimized for low power levels

The standard TX and RX ports already have impressive EVM performance over a wide range of power levels, but the new low-noise RX port improves sensitivity to a whole new level.

High dynamic range (HDR) for FR2 testing

High dynamic range (HDR) for FR2 testing

Dual LO and external LO ports

For best RF performance in TX and RX direction

Both downlink and uplink paths use separate local oscillators to ensure the best RF signal quality in the TX and RX directions. The R&S®CMPHEAD50 is the only RRH for full UE testing that supports all 3GPP frequency bands in FR2-1 in combination with individual external local oscillator (LO) inputs for both RX and TX. This enables further EVM performance improvements for cutting-edge RF measurements.

EVM booster with external LO ports

EVM booster with external LO ports

Frequency range 21.84 GHz to 50.20 GHz
Frequency resolution < 0.1 Hz
RF output power Up to +25 dBm
Output level resolution 0.1 dB
EVM for 5G NR FR2 signal as good as -46 dB / 0.5%




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