19 결과
Increasing safety in air traffic control: R&S Series4200 detection of simultaneous transmissions (DSiT) option for air traffic control.
8월 21, 2014
R&S®Series4200 Software Defined Radios - Product Brochure
R&S®Series4200 ZS4200 Service and Maintenance Tool - Product Brochure
Oct 06, 2020
Rohde & Schwarz modernizes Bundeswehr air traffic control communicationsR&S Series4200 and R&S M3SR Series4400 radios from Rohde & Schwarz (Photo: Rohde & Schwarz) R&S Series4200 and R&S M3SR Series4400 radios from Rohde & Schwarz (Photo: Rohde & Schwarz) R&S Series4200 and R&S M3SR Series4400 radios from Rohde & Schwarz (Photo: Rohde & Schwarz)
The ATC world is standing before a game changing development in voice communications infrastructure.
11월 02, 2011
Mar 22, 2022
Taiwan chooses innovative R&S Series5200 ATC radios from Rohde & SchwarzThe Air Navigation and Weather Services (ANWS) of Taiwan chose Rohde & Schwarz to equip the nation’s airports with reliable communications and the highest level of security in case of emergencies. Rohde & Schwarz has provided a large number of the most innovative air traffic control (ATC) radio on the market, the R&S Series5200, alongside the company’s workhorse, the R&S Series4200 software defined radio, antenna multi-couplers and antennas, and remote control units, all part of CERTIUM, an advanced communications suite for ATC from the microphone to the antenna.
Jan 28, 2025
Austro Control and Rohde & Schwarz celebrate successful collaboration in modernizing air traffic communication systemsSuccessful implementation of R&S Series4200 software defined radios from Rohde & Schwarz enables Austro Control to modernize the country's radio stations and enhance air traffic management capabilities.
Nov 15, 2021
Rohde & Schwarz provides turnkey communications solutions for UAE customer mobile ATC towersHaving already supplied an UAE customer with radios in the past, Rohde & Schwarz has been chosen again, as the company provided the best solution for the customer. Each mobile ATC tower consists of a cabin equipped with consoles, all installed on a lifting system fixed on a trailer that is fitted to be transportable by a C17 transport aircraft. Each cabin has been designed to accommodate three controller working positions, equipped with R&S Series4200 software defined radios, CERTIUM VCS voice communications system, CERTIUM Management and CERTIUM Gateways.
Dec 08, 2020
Rohde & Schwarz delivers IP based ATC communications to ThailandRohde & Schwarz was awarded a contract by AEROTHAI to deliver software defined ATC radios and a remote monitoring and control solution for operation throughout Thailand. CERTIUM R&S RCMS II software on a turnkey basis throughout Thailand. The R&S Series4200 and R&S M3SR Series4400
VHF/UHF 통신을 위한 R&S®Series4200 Software Defined Radios CERTIUM® 솔루션은 여러 항공기로부터 동시에 두 개 이상의 신호를 수신하는 경우 항공 교통 관제사에게 알림을 발송합니다. 항공 교통 관제사와 파일럿 간의 안정적인 음성 통신은 항공기 승객의 안전에 필수적입니다. 통신이 제대로 이루어지지 않는다면, 승객 수 백 명의 안전이 위험에 처하게 될 수 있습니다. 항공 교통에서 동시 무선 전송을 감지하지 못해 위험한 상황이 발생하는 경우가 많습니다. 이상적인 솔루션은 두 대 이상의 항공기에서 동시에 신호를 발송할 때 항공 교통 관제사에게 알림을 발송하는 것입니다.
R&S®GV4000 Multi-Link Controller High-availability ATC radio system - Data sheet
Based on the experience gained with the successful R&S®Series200 and R&S®Series4200, we have designed the new R&S®Series5200 radio to address current and future requirements. The future-proof hardware design with plentiful HW resources and modern software architecture allows operation for decades without the need for hardware upgrades.
R&S VCS-4G VoIP for Air Traffic Control (for drilling companies / offshore industry)
10월 15, 2012
Jul 08, 2020
Rohde & Schwarz upgrades RAAF Air-Ground-Air voice linkThe R&S Series4200 is a field-tested cornerstone of this portfolio, with more than 30,000 radios in service around the world. The software defined architecture makes the suite ED-137C VoIP compliant and a reliable solution for years to come.
Oct 11, 2022
Rohde & Schwarz successfully completes RAAF Air Ground Air Transition projectRohde & Schwarz has demonstrated expertise in the AIR5431 Phase 3 project to transform Australian military air traffic management. As a communications systems integrator (CSI) for the Air Ground Air Transition (AGAT) project lead by BAE Systems, Rohde & Schwarz Australia has completed its scope of work in 16 months, despite challenges imposed by the global health crisis.