일반 검색을 사용하여 제품, 솔루션 또는 다운로드와 관련된 정보를 빠르게 검색해 보십시오. 키워드를 입력하고 카테고리를 선택한 다음 활성화된 하위 카테고리 중에서 선택하여 필요한 정보를 확인하십시오.
일반 검색을 사용하여 제품, 솔루션 또는 다운로드와 관련된 정보를 빠르게 검색해 보십시오. 키워드를 입력하고 카테고리를 선택한 다음 활성화된 하위 카테고리 중에서 선택하여 필요한 정보를 확인하십시오.
7 결과
Models: R&S®NRP6A, R&S®NRP6AN, R&S®NRP18A, R&S®NRP18AN
Models: R&S®NRP6A, R&S®NRP6AN, R&S®NRP18A, R&S®NRP18AN
Models: R&S®NRP6A, R&S®NRP6AN, R&S®NRP18A, R&S®NRP18AN
The most important features for accurate and uncomplicated power measurements are top measurement accuracy and speed as well as simple operation on a base unit or a laptop/PC. The R&S®NRP power meter family combines all these characteristics in the R&S®NRX base unit, R&S®NRPV virtual power meter PC software and a comprehensive portfolio of LAN and USB power sensors. The R&S®NRP family is ideal for use in production, R&D and calibration labs as well as for installation and maintenance tasks.
The most important features for accurate and uncomplicated power measurements are top measurement accuracy and speed as well as simple operation on a base unit or a laptop/PC. The R&S®NRP power meter family combines all these characteristics in the R&S®NRX base unit, R&S®NRPV virtual power meter PC software and a comprehensive portfolio of LAN and USB power sensors. The R&S®NRP family is ideal for use in production, R&D and calibration labs as well as for installation and maintenance tasks.
Power sensors. Fast. Accurate. USB- and LAN-capable. - Flyer