391 Results
Models: R&S®RTO2002, R&S®RTO2004, R&S®RTO2012, R&S®RTO2014, R&S®RTO2022, R&S®RTO2024, R&S®RTO2032, R&S®RTO2034, R&S®RTO2044, R&S®RTO2064
Models: R&S®RTO2002, R&S®RTO2004, R&S®RTO2012, R&S®RTO2014, R&S®RTO2022, R&S®RTO2024, R&S®RTO2032, R&S®RTO2034, R&S®RTO2044, R&S®RTO2064
Models: R&S®RTO64
Models: R&S®RTO64
LTE beamforming can be accurately tested with one or more R&S®RTO digital oscilloscopes for a 1×2, 1×4 or even a 1×8 MIMO system.
R&S®RTO6は、信頼できるオシロスコープです。信頼性の高い結果を提供する高度な性能を備え、測定の問題を短時間で解決し、開発スケジュールを維持するためのラボの必需品です。R&S®RTO6 オシロスコープを使えば、エンジニアリングの専門知識を活かして、必要なときにいつでも高確度の測定を実行し、詳細な情報を入手できます。
R&S®RTO6 시리즈는 신뢰할 수 있는 오실로스코프입니다. R&S®RTO6은 신뢰할 수 있는 결과를 제공하도록 설계되었으며, 실험실에서 필요한 측정 관련 문제를 해결하는 동반자이자 정해진 일정을 맞출 수 있도록 도와주는 든든한 지원군입니다. R&S®RTO6 오실로스코프를 통해 엔지니어링 전문성을 극대화하고 수준 높은 통찰력으로 측정 정확도를 높일 수 있습니다.
Models: R&S®RTO2002, R&S®RTO2004, R&S®RTO2012, R&S®RTO2014, R&S®RTO2022, R&S®RTO2024, R&S®RTO2032, R&S®RTO2034, R&S®RTO2044, R&S®RTO2064
Models: R&S®RTO64
Advanced Signal Analysis using the History Mode of the R&S RTO Oscilloscope.
03-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1TD02
This application note explains how to measure the oscilloscope ENOB and shows results for the R&S®RTO for different settings.
13-May-2011 | AN-No. 1ER03
R&S®RTO6 — это осциллограф, которому можно доверять. Прибор предоставляет надежные результаты и выступает в качестве опытного лабораторного помощника, что дает возможность быстро решать измерительные задачи и соблюдать график работ. Осциллографы R&S®RTO6 улучшают рабочую среду инженера и повышают точность измерений благодаря глубокому анализу необходимых характеристик.
The R&S®RTO oscilloscope is the perfect solution for measurement applications that require further remote processing.
Testing LTE MIMO Signals using a R&S RTO Oscilloscope
24-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1EF86
The R&S®RTO oscilloscope is a valuable tool for analyzing EMI problems in electronic designs.
In order to clearly visualize and make repeatable measurements on signals with amplitudes of less than 1/100 of a division, and stabilize signals captured over very long periods, the R&S RTO oscilloscope’s powerful combination of measurement and math channel capabilities allows corrective offset adjustments on individual acquisitions more than one hundred times per second.
The R&S®RTO/RTP is perfect for precise measurements in many accelerator physics lab applications, such as in synchrotrons or free electron lasers.
This document describes the use of the R&S®RTO and R&S®RTP to demodulate RF pulses for further measurements and precisely trigger on and analyze RF pulses.
The R&S®RTO and R&S®RTP oscilloscopes are capable of triggering precisely on a pulse as a prerequisite for time domain and frequency domain analysis.
The R&S®RTO digital oscilloscope analyzes RF pulses up to the maximum bandwidth of the instrument used.
The R&S®RTP/R&S®RTO and R&S®VSE meet the need to verify 5G NR MIMO signals and the signal characteristics of beamforming quickly and coherent.
The R&S®RTP and R&S®RTO oscilloscopes are capable of characterizing high speed datacom interfaces and performing in-depth signal integrity analysis.
The R&S RTO / R&S RTE digital oscilloscope is a valuable tool for analyzing EMI problems in electronic designs. High input sensitivity, high dynamic range and a powerful FFT implementation are key features for capturing and analyzing unwanted emissions
How to work with acquired waveform data in Python using the R&S®RTP, R&S®RTO or R&S®RTE.