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30 Resultados
The R&S®ATS1500C is designed, tailored and manufactured to provide an ideal environment for automotive radar sensor development, validation and calibration.
Conheça os sistemas de teste de antenas inovadores e prontos para o futuro, bem como as câmaras de teste OTA da Rohde & Schwarz. Saiba mais.
As soluções confiáveis de teste e medição da Rohde & Schwarz são utilizadas pelos fornecedores líderes de módulos de radares automotivos. Saiba mais sobre nossas soluções para testes de produção de radares.
Assegure a operação correta dos sensores de radares automotivos em aplicações decisivas de segurança com as nossas soluções para testes de conformidade de radares automotivos.
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®ATS1500C antenna test chamber for automotive radar sensors.
Teste, calibre e verifique sensores de radares automotivos com o sistema de teste de antenas R&S®ATS1500C e o gerador de ecos de radar R&S®AREG100A.
jan. 13, 2020
In this document we will describe in detail how to configure and perform path calibrations with AMS32-K81 in an ATS1500C, using an AREG800A.
May 03, 2023 | AN-Nº. 1SL399
Antenna characterization, validation and calibration in a small footprint
Os padrões de antenas em radares automotivos proporcionam muitas informações de importância vital durante o desenvolvimento e a validação de radares.
out. 28, 2020
Descubra a revolucionária solução para funções de testes de radar ativadas por sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista e de direção autônoma em bancadas de ensaio para veículos no circuito.
Descubra todas as soluções de teste e medição de radares automotivos da Rohde & Schwarz.
Overview of the features and benefits of the ATS1500C Short 2 min ATS1500C introduction video ATS1500C Overview of the features and benefits of the ATS1500C
Sep 15, 2022 | Press Release | Automotive
Unique features increase test efficiency and flexibility of R&S ATS1500C automotive radar test chamber from Rohde & SchwarzThe R&S ATS1500C antenna test system from Rohde & Schwarz offers a new temperature test option and a new feed antenna. These additional features enable temperature-controlled measurements in a wide temperature range as well as parallel access to both polarizations, increasing test efficiency and flexibility. The solution will be shown at EuMW from September 27 to 29, 2022 at booth D18 of the Milano Convention Centre.
Explainer video: R&S®ATS1500C Anechoic chamber – the perfect choice for automotive radar With the ability to generate reference targets (with an R&S®AREG800A) with minimum reflections, and the highest measurement accuracy, all in a very small physical footprint, the ATS1500C is the perfect choice for automotive radar RF performance characterization & calibration as well compliance and interference
Sistema de teste de radares automotivos, diagrama de antena de radar, testes de radar para carros, calibração de radares, ATS1500C A câmara de testes de antenas R&S®ATS1500C baseia-se no método de faixa de teste com antena compacta e é especialmente projetada para os sensores de radares automotivos mais recentes.
Jun 06, 2023 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023: Enabling the next level of ADAS with test & measurement solutions from Rohde & SchwarzAt Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023 in Stuttgart, Rohde & Schwarz will demonstrate a wide range of cutting-edge test solutions that support automotive applications. With test solutions on show that cover automotive radar, Ethernet, 5G and UWB, the company enables the automotive industry to make the next level of autonomous driving reality.
Feedthroughs are used to run cables from the outside into a shielded environment such as an RF shielded box or an OTA chamber. This is done to maintain the shielding effectiveness of a given environment and prevent leakage of RF radiation into or out of the chamber.
Sep 20, 2024 | Press Release | Automotive
Rohde & Schwarz and NOFFZ enable the next level of automotive radar production with a new efficient solutionRohde & Schwarz introduces new options for its automotive radar target simulator R&S AREG800A. The new R&S AREG-P creates and enables an environment for a seamless transition of automotive radar sensor from R&D to production. Used standalone or as turnkey solution together with NOFFZ integrating the AREG-P into their production test systems, enables Tier1 automotive radar suppliers to increase throughput, reduce test time and optimize costs of end-of-line tests.
Dec 16, 2021 | Press Release | Automotive
Rohde & Schwarz and NOFFZ collaborate to develop a Compact Antenna Test Range production test system for automotive imaging radarsRohde & Schwarz and market-leading customized test system supplier NOFFZ Technologies collaborate on the integration of the field-proven R&S Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) reflector technology and advanced radar echo generator R&S AREG800A into NOFFZ’s versatile End-of-Line (EoL) radar sensor test system, the UTP 5069 CATR. This creates a fast, accurate and efficient test system optimized for production that facilitates the transition from radar sensor development to mass production.
Dec 22, 2022 | Press Release | Automotive
CES 2023: Rohde & Schwarz showcases the latest in Automotive Radar and Ultra-Wideband testingCES 2023: Rohde & Schwarz showcases the latest in Automotive Radar and Ultra-Wideband testing
Welcome to the R&S webinar Characterizing an ADAS Radar in a transportable CATR based fully anechoic chamber with best-in-class performance.
Neste webinar, você aprenderá mais sobre a mais nova geração de câmaras refletoras CATR da Rohde & Schwarz, que podem superar os desafios de teste e medição.
Sep 06, 2022 | Press Release | Test & measurement
From gigahertz to terahertz, Rohde & Schwarz exhibits latest mmWave test solutions at EuMW 2022 in MilanRohde & Schwarz will showcase at EuMW in Milan the latest testing capabilities for microwave components and new solutions for the road to 6G.
天线的特性和质量会显著影响OTA测试系统的整体测量准确度,因此选择合适的天线非常重要。下文简要介绍了常见的OTA天线及其关键参数。 联系我们了解更多详细信息。
Dominando a medição de EIRP de radares automotivos para obtenção do máximo desempenho
ago. 06, 2024
This brochure gives you an overview of our over-the-air (OTA) and antenna test solutions that, once in your lab, can help you push the boundaries of what’s possible.
O radar automotivo é vital para os sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista (ADAS) que ajudarão a atingir a meta «Vision Zero» (zero acidentes, zero fatalidades) na indústria automotiva. No cenário de condução, os sensores de radar devem detectar objetos reais mesmo quando há interferência. O gerador de eco para radar automotivo R&S®AREG800A é indispensável para qualquer solução que teste a imunidade do sensor de radar à interferências.
jun. 15, 2023
Since antenna characteristics and quality have a major influence on the overall measurement certainty in OTA test systems, selecting the right antenna is critical. The following is an overview of the most common OTA antennas and their key parameters. Contact us for more details.