8 Résultats
Crucial for proper operation of mobile networks. Part 4 of the series on Cable and Antenna verification
Critical Infrastructure: Mobile base stations rely on a complex interplay of components, including often-overlooked elements like filter combiners, RF splitters and tappers, and cables, to deliver uninterrupted mobile communications.Vulnerability to Environmental Factors: Filter combiners, accessories, and cabling in mobile base stations are susceptible to harsh environmental stressors, which can lead to signal degradation and reduced system availability.Fundamental Properties: The functional integrity of mobile base station components is measured against key RF parameters, including frequency response and insertion loss, to ensure conformance to manufacturer and industry standards (e.g., 3GPP, ETSI).Measurement Techniques: Systematic and comprehensive testing is essential to validate the functional integrity of critical mobile base station components, detect latent defects, and optimize overall system performance.
Jan 09, 2025 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT20
Crucial for proper operation of mobile networks - Part 3 of the series on Cable and Antenna verification
Key points: Critical Infrastructure: Leaky feeder systems are a crucial, yet costly to modify, element of in-building and tunnel infrastructure for mobile communication coverage.Vulnerability to Environmental Factors: The leaky feeder system's exposure to high humidity, extreme temperatures, and physical stress makes it prone to water ingress, corrosion, mechanical damage, and material degradation.Fundamental Properties: Changes in a leaky feeder system's characteristic impedance cause reflections of forward RF energy, resulting in discontinuities, which can occur at connectors, kinks, or compressions in the cable.Measurement Techniques: Due to practical limitations, leaky feeder system testing typically involves measuring insertion and return loss, supplemented by evaluating key performance indicators (KPIs) and user equipment reports to assess actual coverage and identify potential defects.
Dec 05, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT19
L'application R&S®MobileView permet aux utilisateurs d'utiliser des instruments Rohde & Schwarz à distance et éliminine la nécessité d'interactions physiques avec les instruments.
sept. 04, 2024
Crucial for proper operation of mobile networks - Part 2 of the series on Cable and Antenna verification
Key points: Critical Infrastructure: Learn why the antenna system, as part of mobile base stations, is irreplaceable and demands meticulous attention due to its impact on network quality and availability.Vulnerability to Environmental Factors: Understand the challenges posed by weather conditions and environmental stresses on antenna systems, highlighting the importance of robust design and maintenance.Fundamental Properties: Delve into the core concepts of antenna systems, gaining insights into fundamental properties of antennas and the antenna cables.Measurement Techniques: Explore discontinuity or distance to fault measurements to identify reflections of forward RF energy due to impedance changes (connector, compression or kink of a cable, etc.).
Jun 18, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT16
Part 1 of the Cable and Antenna verification series – essential for Mobile Networks
Key points: Critical Infrastructure: Learn why the antenna system, as part of mobile base stations, is irreplaceable and demands meticulous attention due to its impact on network quality and availability.Vulnerability to Environmental Factors: Understand the challenges posed by weather conditions and environmental stresses on antenna systems, highlighting the importance of robust design and maintenance.Fundamental Properties: Delve into the core concepts of antenna systems, gaining insights into their transmit and receive characteristics, which serve as the foundation for effective measurement and verification.Measurement Techniques: Explore various measurement methods for antenna systems, focusing on return loss and decoupling, and their significance in assessing system performance and integrity.
Feb 23, 2024 | Numéro des notes d'application 8NT11
Spectrum Rider, FPH, FSH, ZPH, Cable Rider, ZVH, 5G, chasse aux interférences, mode zéro span, G NR TDD signal Les solutions portables Rohde & Schwarz prennent en charge un déclenchement fenêtré, permettant aux utilisateurs de séparer les signaux des liaisons montante et descendante dans le domaine temporel. 5G NR – chasse aux interférences en liaison montante des réseaux TDD Spectrum Rider, FPH, FSH
avr. 09, 2019
Outil logiciel polyvalent pour les appareils Rohde & SchwarzRSCommander est un outil logiciel polyvalent dédié à une large gamme d'analyseurs de spectre, d'analyseurs de réseaux, de générateurs de signaux et d'oscilloscopes Rohde & Schwarz. Il permet la détection automatique de l'appareil, la réalisation de captures d'écrans, la lecture de traces, le transfert de fichiers et la création de scripts simples.
déc. 24, 2017 | Numéro des notes d'application 1MA074
Les mesures de réflexion représentent un moyen répandu d'évaluer les performances d'un système d'antennes. La réflexion d'une quantité minime du signal émis indique que l'énergie d'émission permet d'atteindre la couverture attendue. À l'inverse, une réflexion élevée indésirable entraîne une inefficacité du système et elle est susceptible d'endommager des composants. Les mesures de réflexion peuvent s'exprimer par un affaiblissement de réflexion, du rapport d'onde stationnaire (ROS) ou du facteur de réflexion.
nov. 13, 2017