8 Resultados
Las crecientes exigencias impuestas a las fuentes de alimentación han dado lugar a líneas de corriente continua (DC) más pequeños así como a una proliferación de líneas que garantizan que energía limpia alcance los pins del circuito integrado.
mar 07, 2017
Verificación de integridad de potencia para memorias DDR - La sonda para análisis de potencia en circuitos integrados R&S®RT-ZPR20 es una sonda especial para osciloscopios para medidas de potencia con ruido muy bajo.
abr 05, 2017
Oscilloscope test applications include debugging complex electronic circuits, measuring high-speed-bus signal integrity and characterizing power electronics with hazardous voltage levels. Measurement accuracy and operator safety depend on these probes and accessories.
Combining a low-noise oscilloscope with a power rail probe, developed uniquely for measuring power rails, provides a measurement system that delivers measurements that are more accurate.
Jul 09, 2020
Choose the right probe for your application - Flyer
In pursuit of developing standardized testing methodology in electronics development, the HORYZN team at the Technical University of Munich integrated the R&S®RTO (with the R&S®RT-ZPR20 power rail probe) from Rohde & Schwarz into their prototyping design-loop and workflow.
Nov 09, 2022
Rohde & Schwarz next generation oscilloscope R&S MXO 4 on center stage at electronica 2022Rohde & Schwarz showcases at electronica 2022 (booth A3.307) the new R&S MXO 4 oscilloscope plus a wide range of test and measurement solutions tailored to developers and test engineers.