
전력 무결성 - 민감한 전자 설계의 과제, 모범 사례 및 테스트 솔루션

발표자: Andrea D'Aquino, Andreas Ibl, Steve Sandler

Power integrity webinar

웹세미나에서는 민감한 전자 설계의 전력 무결성 문제, 근본 원인 및 대응 방안에 대해 논의합니다. 그리고, 설계 및 측정 모범 사례 및 솔루션을 시연함으로써, 전자 설계 엔지니어가 효과적이고 효율적으로 기기와 시스템에 전원을 공급할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 주파수 도메인과 타임 도메인의 측정을 통해 설계 검증에서 상세한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

Andreas holds Andreas holds a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus on electronics from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut (Germany). During his studies, he gained practical experience in electronic design in the US and China. Today, he is a product manager at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for oscilloscopes. Besides control loop stability, his expertise and priorities are power integrity and multi-domain analysis.a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus on electronics from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut (Germany). During his studies, he gained practical experience in electronic design in the US and China. Today, he is a product manager at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for oscilloscopes. Besides control loop stability, his expertise and priorities are power integrity and multi-domain analysis.

Andreas Ibl