21 Results
This paper describes the measurement of additive/residual phase noise of power amplifiers or multipliers for example for automotive RADAR sensors at 80 GHz using the interferometric measurement approach in combination with a phase noise and VCO tester R&S FSWP. The setup provides a way to characterize the additive/residual phase noise of amplifiers down to -150 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset even in the microwave range at 80 GHz.
11-Sep-2024 | AN-No. 1EF117
Active, high-impedance probes can be connected to spectrum analyzers, providing a practical and highly precise measurement solution to overcome an otherwise cumbersome RF testing issue. This application note provides information on how to use oscilloscope probes in RF measurements using spectrum analyzers.
04-Jul-2023 | AN-No. 1EF116
The signal purity of clock sources has a direct impact on system performance. To ensure proper operation, it is necessary to verify that the purity meets the design requirements.
For automated test applications, measurement time is often as important as the quality of the measurement. As with many situations, time is money. In practice, phase noise measurements are generally not considered fast, but test engineers still desire to save as much test time as possible. The Rohde & Schwarz®FSWP (FSWP) is a modern, digital signal processing based, phase-noise test set that performs many tasks in parallel in an effort to improve measurements speed. However, several measurement settings drastically affect measurement speed. This paper will discuss these settings and provide suggestions on improving overall measurement speed.The three key instrument parameters that affect FSWP measurement speed are:1. Number of cross correlations2. Resolution bandwidth (RBW)3. Offset frequency span
08-Oct-2020 | AN-No. GFM354
Timing components such as low jitter oscillators and clocks are necessary to facilitate increasing data rates in high speed digital designs. As part of the overall system design, the components also have to perform in the system’s non-ideal power integrity environment and limit the power supply induced phase noise and jitter from power rail disturbances. Measuring the power supply noise rejection (PSNR) requires accurate generation and leveling of artificial, sinusoidal disturbances and measurement of resulting phase-noise and jitter impairments.
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications. R&S®VISA also includes a trace tool that simultaneously monitors communications between multiple applications and T&M instruments, and permits targeted analysis with the aid of efficient filters.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
This paper reviews the classical spectrum analyzer measurement of L(f) and its shortcomings and discusses how modern phase noise test sets measure phase noise and avoid the limitations imposed by direct spectrum measurements.
The ARB Toolbox is an easy-to-use, feature packed software package that is used for many ARB waveform related tasks. Use this software for creating ARB waveform files from custom IQ data; import data from MATLAB .mat files; evaluate waveform content graphically; resample or filter waveforms; create analog modulated signals as ARB files; edit marker data in waveform files; use the composer for the creation of complex multi carrier scanarios.
13-Dec-2018 | AN-No. 1GP88
Increasing data rates in high-speed digital designs and wireless communications require SerDes PLLs and clock synthesizers with low additive phase noise and high jitter attenuation. Modern designs often follow a two-stage architecture, consisting of a jitter-attenuator and a frequency-synthesizer stage. Due to their high phase noise sensitivity, phase noise analyzers are the instruments of choice for these tests. To stimulate the PLL, an additional signal source with ultra low phase noise is required.
This application note provides basic information about frequency and phase settling time measurements and how the measurement is implemented inside modern phase noise analyzers.Measurement examples show the possibilities of this measurement feature and help the user to understand and use this method.
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1EF102
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control Using R&S®Forum Application for Instrument Remote Control 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, Instrument, Remote, Control, Python, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum R&S®Forum for Instrument Remote Control
28-Jun-2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
As the data rates in high-speed digital designs increase, the limits for overall system jitter become tighter. This especially applies to the various components of the clock tree, where the jitter limits for reference clocks, clock buffers and jitter attenuators are even tighter. Due to their high phase noise sensitivity, phase noise analyzers are the instruments of choice for these tests.
With recent enhancements in semiconductor technology the microwave frequency range beyond 50 GHz becomes more and more attractive especially for wideband communication applications like 802.11ad, microwave links or automotive RADAR. Low phase noise is essential for these applications to work properly. Accurate measurement of phase noise is needed to improve the performance. However, test setups at these frequencies become difficult, especially when cross correlation of two receive paths is needed to suppress additional phase noise added by the local oscillators or mixer stages. Two external harmonic mixers in combination with a commercially available phase noise tester are used for phase noise analysis. Signal sources with frequencies up to 500 GHz can theoretically be measured with this setup.
05-Feb-2018 | AN-No. 1EF101
Versatile Software Tool for Rohde & Schwarz Instruments
RSCommander is a versatile software tool for a wide range of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum-, network analyzers, signal generators and oscilloscopes. It allows for automatic instrument discovery, making screenshots, reading traces, file transfer and simple script creation.
24-Dec-2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
The R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer is a highend instrument designed to accurately analyze noise performance of key components in radar and communications systems. Using phase noise measurements, a device’s large-signal noise figure can be derived under real-world operating conditions.
As phase noise becomes an increasingly important system-level specification for electronic test equipment, communications systems, and radar systems. It is not only important to quantify the noise produced by oscillators, but also the noise added by each component in the signal processing chain. This application note reviews the fundamentals of residual or additive noise and addresses measurement techniques for determining the amplitude (AM) and phase noise added by two-port devices such as: amplifiers, mixers, block frequency converters, multipliers, dividers, and frequency synthesizers.Additionally, the Rohde & Schwarz FSWP phase noise analyzer will be introduced and a discussion of residual noise measurement techniques for the above-mentioned devices will be provided.
09-Oct-2017 | AN-No. 1EF100
When analyzing the robustness of data transmission systems, jitter is a key indicator. It is recommended to use jitter measurement instruments for both the time and frequency domain in order to differentiate between fast and slow moving artifacts.
Rohde & Schwarz signal and spectrum analyzers equipped with the R&S®FSx-K30 option form the basis of a solution to accurately measure the noise figure in the millimeterwave frequency range using the Y-factor method.
This application note reviews the measurement uncertainty analysis and traceability for phase noise with the new R&S®FSWP Phase Noise Analyzer.It describes the new approach for measuring phase noise with the R&S®FSWP using direct downconversion with cross correlation and focuses on traceability using a derived primary measurement standard.
05-Jul-2016 | AN-No. 1EF95
With advances in digital signal processing techniques modern wireless communications systems and radar systems have become increasingly digital and more constraints have been placed on packing more information into less and less bandwidth. On the wireless side, modulation formats have become more complicated with less margin for symbol error. On the radar side, modern radar systems are trying to extract more information about the targets they track and provide the ability to track slow moving targets such as automobiles and personnel in the presence of clutter.For both communications and radar systems one of the key RF parameters that limits system performance is phase noise. As systems engineers develop new and more advanced RF systems, phase noise of oscillators and transmitters can no longer be overlooked.This application note will focus on phase noise measurements for pulsed RF carriers such as those used for radar systems. We will address some of the physical limitations relating to pulsed phase noise measurement and introduce the capabilities of the new Rohde & Schwarz FSWP phase noise analyzer.
18-May-2016 | AN-No. 1EF94
A new phase noise test instrument covers the frequency range from 1 MHz to 50 GHz with direct down-conversion analog I/Q mixers and baseband signal sampling. The traditional PLL has been replaced by a digital FM demodulator for phase detection and frequency tracking. An additional AM demodulator enables concurrent measurement of phase and amplitude noise. The instrument can measure phase noise as low as -183 dBc/Hz with a 100 MHz carrier frequency and 10 kHz offset within two minutes.