Automotive for future mobility

Webinars and videos on future automotive mobility

Automotive webinars and videos – always well informed

In this section, you will find the relevant webinars and interesting facts about the following topics: eCall, RED, radar, ADAS, connected cars, future automotive trends.

If you wish to know what the future holds, keep on reading!

Watch our latest webinars

Webinar: Testing ultra-wideband for automotive applications

Webinar: Testing ultra-wideband for automotive applications

Join us in this webinar to gain insights about testing UWB for Automotive applications and learn about UWB technology, and the related test requirements.

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Webinar: Manufacturing test of automotive ECUs with maximum efficiency

Webinar: Manufacturing test of automotive ECUs with maximum efficiency

Join us in this webinar to learn about manufacturing tests for automotive ECUs with solutions from Rohde & Schwarz.

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Webinar: Automotive Ethernet and next-gen in-vehicle networks

Join us in our webinar series and learn about technological aspects of automotive Ethernet and next-gen in-vehicle networks withthe testing solutions from Rohde & Schwarz.

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Webinar: Automotive radar signal analysis

Join this webinar to understand the fundamental measurements required to analyse and verify radar signals, the range of test tools available and when to use them.

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Webinar: OTA testing of automotive communication systems at vehicle level

Webinar: OTA testing of automotive communication systems at vehicle level

In this webinar you will learn more about an over-the-air (OTA) test concept and the associated challenges and corresponding solutions.

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Webinar: How to successfully test todays 5G automotive connectivity - Teaser

Webinar: How to successfully test todays 5G automotive connectivity

In this webinar you will learn more about the basics of 5G network topologies and its challenges for RF and protocol stack testing.

Register now for our free webinar.

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Webinar: Validation of radar-based autonomous driving functions under electromagnetic influences

Webinar: Validation of radar-based autonomous driving functions

In this webinar you will learn about validation of radar-based autonomous driving functions under electromagnetic influences and get an overview of Rohde & Schwarz solutions.

Register now for our free webinar.

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Webinar: Domain controllers and CPUs

Webinar: Domain controllers and high performance CPUs for automotive

Testing and debugging automotive domain controllers / high performance CPUs on their in-vehicle network interfaces, their performance and interoperability.

Register now for our free webinar.

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Webinar-teaser: The road to 5G in Automotive connectivity

Webinar: The road to 5G in the automotive connectivity

Can 5G keep its promises for a better transportation system of the future?

With this webinar, you can explore the evolution of network-based (Uu interface) connectivity as well as the direct (non-network-based) V2V/V2X communication and the PC5 interface and related challenges.

Register now for our free webinar.

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Webinar: Testing C-V2X side link communication

In this webinar you will learn how to test C-V2X devices in a lab setting and see required test instrumentation in action.

Register now for our free webinar.

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Webinar: High-end calibration of next-generation radar sensors

Webinar: High-end calibration of next-generation radar sensors

The measurements of far-field automotive radars is a challenge as it requires a large spatial distance, has a high loss path, while providing a relatively small quiet zone, and where even a slight misalignment has a huge impact on repeatable measurements.

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Webinar: Automotive EMI testing overview and updates - CISPR 25 introduction

This webinar provides an overview of CISPR and new developments in CISPR product standards for emission measurements.

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Webinar: Automotive radar test solutions using high-performance oscilloscopes

This webinar will demonstrate how to simultaneously measure and analyze up to four 4 GHz automotive radar signals at 79 GHz by using a Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope as a phase coherent receiver and high precision mixers for downconversion.

Broadcasting date: July 9/10, 2019
Language: English
Duration: 28 min

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Webinar: Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and coexistence

The efficient use of spectrum is a key-requirement of the new radio equipment directive (RED). Not only transmitters, but also receivers now have to meet minimum regulatory requirements and need to be tested. This discussion with an EMC testing and regulatory expert goes through all relevant RED regulatory, testing and co-existing topics.

Broadcasting date: May 20, 2019
Language: English
Duration: 52 min

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Webinar: V2X – the building blocks of an intelligent transport system

This webinar will take a look at the market requirements and the use cases that are driving the decisions about these technologies, trace the evolutionary path toward 5G and provide a picture of what is being discussed in each of the key regions.

Broadcasting date: April 9/10, 2019
Language: English
Duration: 43 min

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Webinar: Comprehensive radar integration testing

This webinar will focus on the integration of radar sensors in future autonomous vehicles.

Broadcasting date: February 13/14, 2019
Language: English
Duration: 43 min

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Webinar: 1000BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet compliance testing

This webinar will focus on 1000BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet compliance testing based on the Open Alliance (OA) TC8 specification for the physical layer.

Broadcasting date: January 22/23, 2019
Language: English
Duration: 37 min

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Webinar: eCall and its challenges. Leading the way to the next generation eCall system

We will demonstrate a reliable and fast test solution for next generation eCall that helps in the development of eCall devices where in-band modem eCall and next generation eCall coexist.

Broadcasting date: November 7, 2018
Language: English
Duration: 55 min

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Application video: Measuring with the R&S®QAR50

Learn more about the QAR50's measurement capabilities and unique features within this 5 minute video.


CAN bus trigger and decode using the R&S®MXO4 oscilloscope

Watch this video to get a practical demonstration of how to use the MXO4 oscilloscope’s CAN bus trigger and decode capability to debug CAN interfaces and busses.


Explainer video: How Full-Vehicle OTA Antenna Testing ensures infotainment Quality of Service

Infotainment Quality of Service is a competitive differentiator for vehicle manufacturers. However, the delivery of digital services to vehicles relies on robust wireless connectivity, and a critical element in the communication chain are the vehicle antennas. Watch this video to how learn OTA testing in a controlled environment can verify the antenna performance and ensure infotainment Quality of Service.


Trigger on Zones in real-time. RTP - see the difference

The RTP's Zone trigger allowes as the only oscilloscope in the world to isolate events in the time and the frequency domain.


Application video: Accelerating ADAS-AD with Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing


High-Precision In-Band Radar Test Solution

Check out R&S high-precision in-band radar testing solutions live from the show floor at CES 2022.


CES: Automotive Radar Object Simulation for Validation

Check out R&S Automotive Radar Object Simulation solutions for validations, live from the show floor at CES 2022.


CES: Ultra-Wideband Device Testing

Check out this brief demo on R&S solutions for ultra-wideband devices. Live from the CES 2022 trade show.


1000BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet compliance test with Test Mode 4

Performing the “Distortion with disturber” test on a 1000BASE-T1 DUT from Marvell.


Automotive Multigigabit

In this video we use the R&S VNA ZNB20 together with TE connectivity BEAMnet miniaturized multi-gigabit connector system. The tests are according to the OPEN Alliance TC9 draft specification for 2.5/5/10GBASE-T1 Watch now


Hardware-in-the-loop validation for automotive radar

Rohde & Schwarz and Vector Informatik will showcase a combined solution for reliable and reproducible over the air, closed loop testing of todays and tomorrows ADAS/AD features.


Application video: Automotive radar object simulation with the AREG800A and QAT100

Watch the output of our radar test system in different use cases. This video shows the RTS in stand-alone operation, remote control and a basic HiL setup.


1000BASE-T1 interoperability test

In this video we show how to perform the Signal Quality Indicator (SQI) test requirement for the OPEN Alliance TC12 Interoperability test with 1000BASE-T1.


gPTP (IEEE 802.1AS) Validation Test

In this video we validate gPTP with an R&S RTO6 oscilloscope to measure and compare 1pps signals according to IEEE 802.1AS


Test certification experts IB-Lenhardt & Rohde & Schwarz

Automotive radar sensors are used in complex and safety-critical applications such as advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). Therefore, their correct function and compliance with relevant regulations, must be verified. Watch this short video to find out how IB-Lenhardt conduct this important service with the help of Rohde & Schwarz.


Verify device functional KPIs in lab using field data

Reduce time and cost by verifying important device KPIs in lab under realistic network conditions using R&S CM360o Field-to-Lab solution for 5G. Replicating field data in lab enriches the testing capability of R&S CMX500 allowing its users to deploy devices with confidence.


C-V2X / PC5 in-field coverage and signal quality measurement

The rollout of the C-V2X / PC5 communication interface is an important milestone to ensure safety, convenience and efficient vehicle-to-everything driving data communication. We are sure that this will become mission critical and security relevant in the near future. A research project on in-field C-V2X / PC5 measurements with a network scanner checks the quality and coverage of the PC5 communication channel.


CAICT Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) conformance test system

Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) is a key technology which will improve road safety in the coming years. Rohde & Schwarz and Neusoft collaborate to provide a China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) Conformance Test system based on the R&S®)CMW500 / R&S®)SMBV100B testers.


Demonstration of C-V2X PC5 Test cases helping to improve road safety

Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) is a key technology which will improve road safety in the coming years. Rohde & Schwarz are introducing a demonstration of our C-V2X RF testing capabilities based on our R&S®CMW500 system against an Industry leading Device.


Full vehicle antenna testing

Application video: Get an overview of the topic of OTA Full Vehicle Antenna Testing in this short video and discover how test system design can deliver accurate characterization of an entire vehicle's antennas.


eCall (emergency call)

eCall is a European initiative intended to bring rapid assistance to motorists involved in a collision anywhere in the European Union.


High-End GNSS simulation with the R&S®SMW200A - Episode 5

The performance of GNSS receivers must be validated and characterized not only under ideal conditions, but also in the presence of other communication signals like GSM, UTMS or LTE.


High-End GNSS simulation with the R&S®SMW200A - Episode 6

This video shows how to perform advanced interferer simulations for testing multi-antenna GNSS receivers with anti-jam capabilities, also known as Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas (CRPAs).


High-End GNSS simulation with the R&S®SMW200A - Episode 4

Unintentional or intentional interference can significantly impair the reception of GNSS signals.


Wideband signal analysis in the mmWave range presented at EuMW 2017

Rohde & Schwarz demonstrated 5 GHz signal analysis bandwidth at the European Microwave Week 2017 in Nuremberg.


1000BASE-T1 cable testing according to OPEN Alliance TC9

A guide to perform cable testing based on unshielded twisted pair (UTP) for 1000BASE-T1 based on the OPEN Alliance TC9 specification.


100BASE-T1 compliance testing - MDI return loss

A guide to carrying out a 100BASE-T1 compliance test for the MDI return loss using an R&S®ZND 2-port vector network analyser controlled by the ScopeSuite automation software.


Powerful 100BASE-T1 triggering

Triggering details for 100BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet using the R&S®RTO with K57 option.


Decoding automotive Ethernet and CAN using R&S scopes

A comparisson between CAN decoding on the R&S®RTM oscilloscope with automotive Ethernet decoding using the K57 option on the R&S®RTO oscilloscope.


Powerful 100BASE-T1 decoding

Decoding details for 100BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet using the R&S®RTO with K57 option.


1000BASE-T1 compliance testing - Test mode 4: Transmitter distortion test with disturber

A guide to carrying out a 1000BASE-T1 compliance tests with test mode 4 (transmitter distortion test with disturber) on an R&S®RTO. The video gives an overview of how to configure the setup and generate test reports for further analysis.


1000BASE-T1 compliance testing - Test mode 5: Transmitter power spectral density (PSD), power level and peak differential output

A guide to carrying out a 1000BASE-T1 compliance tests with test mode 5 (transmitter power spectral density) on an R&S®RTO. The video gives an overview of how to configure the setup and generate test reports for further analysis.


1000BASE-T1 compliance testing - Test mode 6: Maximum output droop

A guide to carrying out a 1000BASE-T1 compliance tests with test mode 6 (maximum output droop test) on an R&S®RTO. The video gives an overview of how to configure the setup and generate test reports for further analysis


1000BASE-T1 compliance testing - Test mode 2: MDI jitter and clock frequency

A guide to carrying out a 1000BASE-T1 compliance tests with test mode 2 (MDI jitter and clock frequency) on an R&S®RTO. The video gives an overview of how to configure the setup and generate test reports for further analysis.


EMI debugging

This video shows how the R&S®RTO oscilloscope can be used with a near field probe to find and fix EMI issues quickly and reliably during the development at the R&D lab thereby minimizing expensive re-testing and shortening time to market.


How to perform Bluetooth 5 testing with the R&S®CMW test platform

The video demonstrates Bluetooth 5 measurements using the R&S CMW270 wireless connectivity tester.


Radar applications: Radial velocity measurements - Video 1/2

In this first video, we start with a simple application such as distance and speed measurement. The basic setup for radar velocity tests is shown. The theory basics and formulas are explained. The video shows a test using a moving vehicle and how the data is evaluated using an oscilloscope.


Radar applications: Radar range and velocity measurements - Video 2/2

In this video we show a powerful way to perform radial velocity and range measurements using Rohde & Schwarz instruments as well as signal processing software implemented in MATLAB.


Rohde & Schwarz - your partner in automotive testing

Managing increasingly complex electronic systems and industry standards such as automotive Ethernet create additional requirements for automotive testing, alongside security issues.


Reliable all-in-one test solution for automotive radar sensors

Rohde & Schwarz demonstrated the all-in-one test solution for the production of automotive radar sensors at European Microwave Week 2017 in Nuremberg.


Triggering & decoding 100Base-T1 BroadR-Reach Ethernet

Triggering & decoding real-world OABR automotive Ethernet with an oscilloscope.


1000BASE-T1 compliance testing - Test mode 1

Guideline for 1000BASE-T1 compliance testing using the R&S®RTO and R&S®ZND.


100Base-T1 compliance testing

Guideline for 100Base-T1 compliance testing using the R&S®RTO and R&S®ZND.


High-End GNSS simulation with the R&S®SMW200A - Introduction

This video introduces a new series of videos covering the new R&S®SMW200A GNSS simulator. A general discussion of today’s GNSS testing needs is followed by an overview of key features and possible GNSS configurations for the R&S®SMW200A.


High-End GNSS simulation with the R&S®SMW200A - Episode 2

In this second video of R&S’s new video series on high-end GNSS testing, it is shown how to work with the instrument, followed by a quick user interface tour introducing the most important configuration options and simulation monitoring features.


High-End GNSS simulation with the R&S®SMW200A - Episode 3

In this third video of R&S’s new video series on high-end GNSS testing, it is shown how to set up a multi-constellation, multi-frequency GNSS scenario and feed the GNSS signals to a connected GNSS receiver.


First cellular V2X signaling solution for 3GPP Rel.14 presented at GSMA MWC 2018

Rohde & Schwarz presented a protocol and application test solution for cellular V2X (C-V2X) at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona.


Test solution for NGeCall modules presented at GSMA MWC 2018

Rohde & Schwarz demonstrated a test solution for Next Generation eCall (NGeCall) modules at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona.


Field-to-lab testing of cellular devices presented at GSMA MWC 2018

Rohde & Schwarz presented tools to reduce expensive and time-consuming drive tests for LTE, NB-IoT and eMTC devices at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona.


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