15 Results
Models: R&S®SMZ75 frequency multiplier, 50 GHz to 75 GHz, R&S®SMZ90 frequency multiplier, 60 GHz to 90 GHz, R&S®SMZ110 frequency multiplier, 75 GHz to 110 GHz, R&S®SMZ170 frequency multiplier, 110 GHz to 170 GHz
Models: R&S®SMZ75 frequency multiplier, 50 GHz to 75 GHz, R&S®SMZ90 frequency multiplier, 60 GHz to 90 GHz, R&S®SMZ110 frequency multiplier, 75 GHz to 110 GHz, R&S®SMZ170 frequency multiplier, 110 GHz to 170 GHz
Testing automotive radars against norm interferers; The R&S ® Pulse Sequencer software simulates arbitrary RF environments and supports the generation of radar norm interferers to test automotive radars operating in the 24 GHz, 77 GHz and 79 GHz frequency band.
This Application Note addresses signal measurements and analysis of automotive radars that are crucial during the development and verification stages.
10-Jun-2016 | AN-No. 1MA267
Rohde & Schwarz Manual for the R&S®SMZ75/90/110/170 frequency multiplier, including the models with mechanically and electronically controlled attenuator, and the software R&S®SMZ Control.
I want to use the SMZ110 with the SMA100B. I have connected the SMZ110 via USB cable to the SMA100B, but the generator does not recognize the SMZ110.
Plug and Play with the R&S SMF Signal Generator Plug and Play with the R&S®SMF Signal Generator Introduction Conventional versus new measurement setup Practical demonstration Key features R&S®SMZ, SMZ, Signal Generator Plug and Play with the R&S®SMF Signal Generator
At the European Microwave Week 2011, Rohde & Schwarz presented the new R&S®SMZ frequency multipliers which offer precise and adjustable output levels from 50 GHz to 110 GHz. At the European Microwave Week 2011, Rohde & Schwarz presented the new R&S®SMZ frequency multipliers which offer precise and adjustable output levels from 50 GHz to 110 GHz.
The video demonstrates signal analysis of a very fast and wide bandwidth pulse at 80 GHz, generated with the R&S ® SMF100A microwave signal generator in combination with the R&S ® SMZ frequency multiplier. FSW, Test & Measurement, Signal and Spectrum Analyzer This Video shows Millimeter wave signal analysis using the R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzer.
This application note describes how to generate and analyze wideband digitally modulated signals in the mm-wave range. Rohde & Schwarz measuring equipment and some 3rd party off-the-shelf accessories are used for both signal generation and analysis.
02-Sep-2014 | AN-No. 1MA217
DOCOMO and Rohde & Schwarz cooperate in pioneering beyond 5G with frequency bands up to 150 GHzNTT DOCOMO INC. and Rohde & Schwarz have joined forces set up the world's first ultra-wideband channel sounder for mobile communications exceeding 100 GHz. They conducted radio wave propagation experiments at frequencies up to 150 GHz. The frequency bands from 100 GHz to 300 GHz are expected to enable further high-speed and large-capacity communication for the next generation beyond 5G.
Rohde & Schwarz Health Guide – For signal generators - Flyer
The Rohde & Schwarz signal generator portfolio ranges from ultra compact, uniquely fast analog and vector signal sources for production and automated test environments to industry-leading analog and vector signal generators for R&D in the telecommunications, A&D and semiconductor sectors.