4 Результаты
R&S®AREG100A getting started
Provides the information required to prepare the instrument for use and start working.Basic operations and handling are described.
R&S®AREG100A user manual
Describes all instrument functions and remote control commands, including measurement and programming examples.Includes the contents of the getting started manual.The online version contains the documentation for the R&S®AREG100A for immediate display (no download required).
Генератор отраженных сигналов автомобильных радаров R&S®AREG100A — процедуры для обеспечения безопасности прибора
Содержит информацию по вопросам безопасности при работе с R&S®AREG100A в охраняемых зонах.
Remote control via SCPI
Provides the basic information required for remote control connections via SCPI.