
Suggerimenti e trucchi su come verificare la stabilità dell'anello di controllo con un oscilloscopio Rohde & Schwarz

Webinar: Tips and tricks on how to verify control loop stability with a Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope

Questo webinar illustra la verifica della stabilità dell’anello di controllo degli alimentatori a commutazione per ottenere prestazioni eccellenti e fiducia nella progettazione. Illustreremo le principali misure che servono, sottolineando gli aspetti più importanti da tenere in considerazione e descrivendo le procedure di misura da un punto di vista pragmatico. La presentazione di configurazioni di misura adatte e alcuni suggerimenti sui principali elementi di differenziazione tra le soluzioni disponibili sul mercato completano questa discussione sulla verifica della stabilità dell’anello di controllo.

Andreas holds Andreas holds a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus on electronics from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut (Germany). During his studies, he gained practical experience in electronic design in the US and China. Today, he is a product manager at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for oscilloscopes. Besides control loop stability, his expertise and priorities are power integrity and multi-domain analysis.a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus on electronics from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut (Germany). During his studies, he gained practical experience in electronic design in the US and China. Today, he is a product manager at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for oscilloscopes. Besides control loop stability, his expertise and priorities are power integrity and multi-domain analysis.

Andreas Ibl

Marcus holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering with a focus on energy and power from the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund (Germany).

He has more than 20 years of experience with development, design and test of power supplies and electronic ballasts.

Today, he is an application development engineer at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for power management and power electronics tests with a focus on time-domain measurements

Marcus Sonst